Dearest TQ,


New Member
Thank you so much for that wonderful telephone conversation. You made me feel alot better. Too bad after ten minutes of us hanging up, reality set in again. oh well, i'll just wait for you to call back. It was nice to hear your voice again, made me miss AZ dearly. But i'll be back, someday. Then we can do what we talked about over the phone;) Jesus Christ man, how long does it take to go to Safeway and buy soda???? Hurry up! I wanna have phone sex with you !



The Question

Um... well... um... ehhh...

Kerb Crawler

Closed Fist of the Badlands
Can we expect a transcript to be posted topside in the "Erotica from teh dungeon" thread?

John Clark

New Member
That TQ he's one evil m0thaf00kah! I thinks he needs a great big kick IN NEH NUTZ!!!


New Member
Oh, BTW Danny. Thanks for singing to me:) You're damn good. I think you really need to come up here, at least for a weekened;) I'll make it worth your while. You'll probably have to call me again tomorrow, since I have another dog to put down. Now, i'm going to take care of that damage you did to me while you were trying to be "nice."


U mad 'bro?
It's starting to look a lot like...

StaLkER MatEri'Al!!!!


New Member
It's an inside thing between me and TQ. Which would appear disturbing to the rest of you, but seem quite normal to us...


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Ah as in TQ is "inside" you?


U mad 'bro?

Looks away~

I'm going to go watch a movie now, Or do homework.