Dexter - Season 4


Staff member

We're three episodes in and I just realized we don't have a Dexter thread for this season. Seriously, what the fuck?


Season looks promising. John Lithgow is creepy as fuck and is even at this early stage probably the most harrowing representation of a serial killer seen on the show. This shit is dark.

Lundie is back which is good because he was a great character and Dexter being chased by Neighbourhood Watch was hilarious.

If you're watching Dexter then get in here and be counted.


RIP Karl 1991-2014
I've been watching. Lithgow is superb, and yeah, Dexter getting chased by the neighbourhood watch was great.

I don't like the Maria/Angel thingy, but that's at least partially because I find the former character unbearable.


Be patient till the last.
I don't mind the spoilers. I bought Season III DVD this summer and that's the way I'll be watching Season IV from the looks of things. I can hardly wait to see just HOW creepy JL will be. Sounds like the season's off to a good start!


Touching the monolith
Staff member
John Lithgow is awesome, almost too scary to watch. I don't like Dexter being married, his wife is hot, and the neighborhood watch thing was hilarious, but I find most of his home life scenes kinda tedious. What does his wife do, anyway?


Be patient till the last.
After she got fired from her hotel desk job wasn't she helping Manuel's wife in Real Estate? Where did we learn that ended?
Continuity, writers!


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Well, maybe she quit because she had the baby.


Staff member

The family stuff may not be the best part of the show but I think it's necessary for the progression of the character. It's Julie Benz as well so it's never THAT bad. You know, on account of Julie Benz being totally awesome and all..


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Maybe now that she knows Dexter has a concussion she'll get her lazy ass out of bed when the baby cries!

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
Well Dexter deliberatly told her he wanted to take the baby at nights as it gave him an excuse to be up and about in the late hours.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
She doesn't even wake up! grr grr


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
I'm a complete dumbass and forgot to turn Showtime back on for this season.


Mrs. Big Dick McGee
I never really liked John Lithgow until I saw him in Raising Cane and he played such a sadistic creepy fuck, it was awesome. In Dexter he's doing the same thing so of course, I love it!! I hope he gets and Emmy for this shit 'cause he puts the creep in creepy.

I just can't stand Debra anymore, she's all shaky and her foul mouth gets on my nerves. The one good thing about it is it makes me rethink my foul ass mouth because I realize how stupid you sound when you can't articulate what you want to say and swear instead. All in all her character is boring as hell...Same with the blonde douche doing the reporter...Can't remember his name, his character is so forgettable.

Dexter's wife? Could she BE more dependent?! She makes women look so weak, it's pitiful.

Everything else is going swimmingly, just like I like it.


RIP Karl 1991-2014
Last night's episode was excellent.

I think Trinity was the shooter, trying to copycat the vacation murders. Deb will survive, but Lundy's dead.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Need to catch up, we're up to episode three, and I must say I'm underwhelmed this season. Unfortunately, season two set the bar so high, that it's hard to get back to that level, IMHO.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
This episode was pretty intense. Made even better because Dexter's family wasn't in it for the most part.