Dick Morris column on Israel/Hezbollah


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True Friends Of Israel Cannot Let The Dems Take Power

July 26, 2006 -- Ten years ago, on April 18, 1996, Israel attacked Hezbollah in Lebanon for 16 days in an operation called Grapes of Wrath. The global condemnation of Israel was fierce, especially when it bombed a U.N. refugee camp, killing 107 people, an attack that Tel Aviv said was a mistake.

At the time, the United States did nothing to stop the tide from turning against Israel and President Clinton said, "I think it is important that we do everything we can to bring an end to the violence."

In private, Clinton seethed at the Israeli attack, saying he had discussed with Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres the possibility of concluding a military defense treaty with his nation, pledging U.S. aid in the event of an attack.

"They really want this guarantee from us," Clinton told me. "I would have given them the commitment, too, but now I can’t because of the uproar over the refugee camp bombing."

No such treaty was ever signed.

Clinton’s willingness to use American power to force a cease-fire on Israel before it had fully eradicated Hezbollah stands in stark and sharp contrast to George Bush’s insistence on letting Israel proceed with its attacks until the terrorist group is neutralized.

In a nutshell, this illustrates the difference between the Democratic and Republican approaches to Israeli security.

Bush and his administration clearly see the Israeli attack as an opportunity to clean out terrorist cells that have come to be pivotal in Lebanon. With Hezbollah’s power extending into the cabinet in Beirut, it is clear that Israeli military action is necessary to forestall the creation of a terrorist state on its northern border.

While Clinton said he embraced the need for Israeli security, when the going got rough, he bowed to world opinion and called for a cease-fire. When the United States asks Israel to stop fighting, it is like a boxer’s manager throwing in the towel. The bottom line is that true friends of Israel cannot afford to let the Democrats take power in Washington.

But American Jews have voted Democrat in the past and will continue to do so in the future. It is really the Christian evangelical right that stands up for Israel.

The reason Israel has to fight in Lebanon today is that the United States did not permit it to finish the job of destroying Hezbollah in the ’90s. Now, fortunately for Israel’s true friends, the White House is letting Tel Aviv win without reining her in.

Nothing so illustrates the generic anti-Semitism of the global community than its current obsession with proportionality in judging Israel’s response to the kidnapping of its soldiers and the rocket bombing of its cities. The Vatican, the European Union and Russia have said nothing about the almost daily bombardment of Israel’s northern border by Hezbollah or the constant attacks from Gaza after Israel magnanimously vacated the strip. But now that the Jewish state is defending itself, the global community is outraged at the "disproportionate" Israeli response. Only Jewish lives have to be dealt with proportionately.

Israel’s defensive barrier has succeeded in sharply curtailing the once daily suicide/homicide bombing of civilian Israeli targets. Now the Israeli invasion will push back the frontiers from which the terrorists can work their mayhem through missiles.

Bush and the Republican administration realize that Israel is only acting in self-defense. It is obvious that she would not be attacking Lebanon if the terrorists had not made a habit of using it as a base for attacks on Jewish cities.

The global condemnation of Israel is simply illustrative of the low esteem attached to Jewish blood in this world where anti-Semitism comes disguised as morality and a commitment to peace.

Eileen McGann co-authored this column.
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Yeah, bombing refugee camps is a surefire way to ensure Israeli security. :roll:

Anyone else notice that they bomb neutrals and allies A LOT? No wonder they can't "secure" their country, they've got Imperial Stormtroopers manning all their fucking guns.
It's interesting you mention Imperial Stormtroopers, Question. In recent years I've been re-examining American culture in International terms. Take Star Wars, for instance. For Americans, the movie was a welcome relief from the shame and defeat of Vietnam. Yet I wonder what the movie represented to the rest of the world. Could they not see the Imperial Empire from the movie as America? I know that's very true for certain countries for how they view us.

And that goes double for Israel.
I'm gonna shock people here, but Clinton was *gasp* RIGHT in this matter.

The United States and our interests will never truly be free from the threat of terrorism until we basically tell Israel, "You got yourselves into this shitstorm, have fun getting yourselves out."

Of course, merely thinking this makes me a complete and total anti-Semite. :roll:
Big Dick McGee wrote:

The United States and our interests will never truly be free from the threat of terrorism until we basically tell Israel, "You got yourselves into this shitstorm, have fun getting yourselves out."

That was our country's official posture against Islamic terrorism, until 9/11.

It was just Israel's problem, "over there". Wrong. Islamic terrorrists wanted it to become our problem, and now they have us actively supporting Israel wiping their terrorist butts out. Great plan there, Jihadists!

Ogami said:
Big Dick McGee wrote:

The United States and our interests will never truly be free from the threat of terrorism until we basically tell Israel, "You got yourselves into this shitstorm, have fun getting yourselves out."

That was our country's official posture against Islamic terrorism, until 9/11.

It was just Israel's problem, "over there". Wrong.

Yeah -- you're completely fucking wrong. We started giving Israel direct military aid in the 1970s. Guess when our people and our shit started getting targeted by terrorists? The late 1970s.

So yeah, you're completely fucking wrong.
I get the feeling that no matter what Israel or America does, Question will say it was wrong.

Is this the best the opposition has to offer? A retread of Kerry Campaign 2004? "I can do it better, smarter, wiser, blah blah blah". Yet we never hear any concrete plans, just carping from the sidelines of history.

Get used to it.

Ogami said:
I get the feeling that no matter what Israel or America does, Question will say it was wrong.

Not if it isn't wrong, I won't. Maybe Israel should stop being wrong.

Is this the best the opposition has to offer? A retread of Kerry Campaign 2004? "I can do it better, smarter, wiser, blah blah blah". Yet we never hear any concrete plans, just carping from the sidelines of history.

You're joking, right? Are you willing to say the same thing about Hamas and Hezbollah's critics?
Hamas and Hezbollah will never have real power because theirs is a culture of death. Name for me any engineers their culture have turned out. Doctors, architects, teachers, philosophers, scientists. Palestinian culture has none of these things because they have a culture of death, it's all they have, it's all they are, it's all they aspire for, for themselves and their children.

The Jews of Israel turned a miserable backwater into an oasis. Their culture has made the desert bloom, they built a prosperous country not from American handouts but from hard work. The Palestinians have had 50+ years of far larger handouts from their arab neighbors and europeans and what do they have to show for it? Slums and squalor.

When Hamas and Hezbollah turn out more doctors from their schools than suicide bombers, then peace will truly have a chance. Until that happens, Israel should not let down their guard for a second. Certainly not on the advice of people like the Question, who want to see them all dead.

Ogami said:
Hamas and Hezbollah will never have real power because theirs is a culture of death. Name for me any engineers their culture have turned out. Doctors, architects, teachers, philosophers, scientists. Palestinian culture has none of these things because they have a culture of death, it's all they have, it's all they are, it's all they aspire for, for themselves and their children.

The IDF is also a 'culture of death.' But much like Hamas and Hezbollah, it's a military -- albeit a slightly more legitimate one. If you want to talk about the actual culture a military defends, however, why don't you name for me any culture that turned out architects, philosophers or scientists while it was under an occupation that amounted to apartheid in everything but name.

The Jews of Israel turned a miserable backwater into an oasis.

Actually, they did that with the not-insubstantial help of the British. The fact that they let the British help build things up and then used terrorism themselves to drive the British out once they had what they wanted speaks volumes.

Their culture has made the desert bloom, they built a prosperous country not from American handouts but from hard work.

Well, a combination of hard work and British handouts, if you want to be precise. Which you don't.

The Palestinians have had 50+ years of far larger handouts from their arab neighbors and europeans and what do they have to show for it? Slums and squalor.

Which is about all they possibly could have to show for it under constant alternating states of oppression and random shelling.

When Hamas and Hezbollah turn out more doctors from their schools than suicide bombers, then peace will truly have a chance. Until that happens, Israel should not let down their guard for a second. Certainly not on the advice of people like the Question, who want to see them all dead.

Where did I say I wanted to see any of them dead? Oh, that's right -- I haven't. True Believers like Ogami would like for me to want that -- it makes it easier to dismiss genuine criticism.
Hah. 'Genuine criticism' does not revolve around "Hezbollah/Hamas are victims, Israel's a bully. Mwahhhhhh!"
Ogami said:
Hah. 'Genuine criticism' does not revolve around "Hezbollah/Hamas are victims, Israel's a bully. Mwahhhhhh!"

No, it revolves around, "Hezbollah and Hamas are terrorists. But according to this fact and this fact and this fact over here, the IDF isn't comporting themselves any better than terrorists, either."
It's funny you should mention the British. I once read a wonderful National Review article comparing the economic development of Hong Kong vs. that of the Palestinians. Both groups live in areas with no natural resources, no advantages. Yet the average income of Hong Kong residents is hundreds of times greater than that of Palestinians.

This was despite the fact of 50+ years of steady UN and Arab welfare funding of the Palestinians. And zero such UN funding sent to Hong Kong. The article asked, what was the difference? The difference was the Hong Kong benefitted from the British concepts of free enterprise and capitalism. The notion that anyone can get rich is deeply ingrained in all residents there. Whereas in 'Palestine', the focus is all on how the Israelis have been keeping them down for 50+ years.

I don't buy it. The Palestinians live in squalor because their culture has nothing productive about it. Think about it, what industry did the Palestinians have? Universities? Medical schools? What have they devoted their culture towards? Life? or Death?

Those Hong Kong residents didn't benefit from British handouts, and neither did the Israelis. And the sad thing is, the Palestinian refugees will probably be dependent on United Nations handouts for another 100 years. Not because they can't become another Hong Kong. But because they don't want to. Their attitude is the source of their misery, and neither will change until they recognize that.

Let me ask you something -- I want you to clarify this:

How much longer is it going to take for you to run this gamut you're on all the way to "Incoherently Stupid"? I mean, you're at "Shockingly Stupid" already, I just want to know how many more posts you plan on taking to complete the journey.
The Question wrote:

How much longer is it going to take for you to run this gamut you're on all the way to "Incoherently Stupid"? I mean, you're at "Shockingly Stupid" already, I just want to know how many more posts you plan on taking to complete the journey.

I guess it was stupid not for me to help elect Algore or Kerry as president. I guess I'll go on repeating that general pattern of "mistakes". :)

^^No, THAT wasn't stupid. That would've made no difference.

No, your stupidity comes in the fact that you only apparently skim posts before posting a response, which makes your responses so inaccurate that you might as well have just kept them to yourself.
Question, people who have nothing to say except "You're stupid" are a dime a dozen.

Why don't you just save both of us the time and put it in your tagline. It would make zero difference to your posts.

^^You'd be right, if I hadn't said plenty more than that.

But it's more edifying -- and more entertaining -- to both point out THAT you're stupid while I point out WHY you're stupid.
