Did they learn nothing from Joey?


I want to smell dark matter
They'll need to bring in a group of new old people to replace them. And it just so happens The Last Of The Summer Wine was axed last year and the cast are still looking for work...


It'll be good if they walk out of the front door of the police station, and inexplicably walk into the basket of a trebuchet, and get catapaulted into the wall of a building, dying horribly in a shower of gore.


Is this real life?
They make The Shat seem modest and reasonable.


I want to smell dark matter
They should replace The One From The Likely Lads with The Other One From The Likely Lads as they hate each other in real life (more like the UN-LIKING EACH OTHER Lads!)


I hope David Cameron visits the set, and personally punches them all in the arsehole, filming it in the hope that it will boost his popularity.


I want to smell dark matter
But then afterwards he leaves his microphone on and is heard saying "actually, I really love New Tricks and held back slightly on the punching! ALSO I HATE BLACK PEOPLE."


Yes,and then the Scottish Catholic church can denounce New Tricks as 'they're probably all queer, and want to get married'.


I want to smell dark matter
Then Alex Salmond says "and that's the bottom line because SALMOND COLD SAID SO! Seriously, I've got a cold!" and blows his nose.


I want to smell dark matter
Intriguing. Amanda Redman's your aunt, right?


Boobie inspector
You are Dennis Waterman's agent, and if you mention anything it will spoil his chances of singing the theme tune?


Is this real life?
Amanda Redman doesn't exist. She's an entirely fictional character from the scheming mind of headvoid. The clue is cunningly disguised* in the name: Amanda Redman = An Adman Dream

*But not too cunningly disguised, because secretly he wants you to discover his plot and realise how clever he is to have come up with a plot clever enough that it had hitherto cleverly fooled you, until now, when you read about it on the internet.


I want to smell dark matter
Redman is badly scarred on her upper left arm as a result of an accident when she was 15 months old.[3] She was scalded with a pan of boiling turkey-and-vegetable soup and suffered third-degree burns to 75% of her body. Her arm was the only part of her body permanently affected, but the trauma was so severe that she was pronounced clinically dead at the Queen Victoria Hospital in East Grinstead, Sussex.[4]

I like that wikipedia notes the type of soup it was.