Digital Homeless


Can I have Ops?
He's not sleeping on my sofa - why? Because he is a twat.
Chris Yurista, a DJ from Washington, DC, cites this trend in digital music as one reason he was able to hand over the keys to his basement apartment over a year ago.

"It's always nice to have a personal sense of home, but that aside - the internet has replaced my need for an address," the 27-year-old said.


Since boxing up his physical possessions and getting rid of his home, Mr Yurista has taken to the streets with a backpack full of designer clothing, a laptop, an external hard drive, a small piano keyboard and a bicycle - an armful of goods that totals over $3,000 (£1,890) in value.

The American University graduate, who spends much of his time basking in the glow emanating from his Macbook, earns a significant income at his full-time job as a travel agent and believes his new life on the digital grid is less cluttered than his old life on the physical one.

"I don't feel a void living the way I'm living because I've figured out a way to use digital technology to my advantage," Mr Yurista explained.

Mr Yurista feels by digitising his life, he no longer has to worry about dusting, organising and cleaning his possessions. And he says his new intangible goods can continue to live on indefinitely with little maintenance.

"Things like records snap and wear down over time. It's upsetting. MP3s don't," he said.

Mr Yurista feels his digital possessions can now live on indefinitely with little maintenance The DJ has now substituted his bed for friends' couches, paper bills for online banking, and a record collection containing nearly 2,000 albums for an external hard drive with DJ software and nearly 13,000 MP3s.

I would post the Armando Ianucci "Twat" video here, but I can't be bothered.


I want to smell dark matter
"Twat" was the word that came to mind before I'd even finished your post...

I'd digitise myself and live inside the internet if it were possible, but this is different.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
He gave up his apartment and became a BUM.

Dr Dave

Why are his friends letting him sleep on their couches?

If he like wanted less stuff, here's an idea move into a studio apartment.


Forever Empress E
I've thought about doing something similar when I retire - downsizing to a motorhome and maybe renting storage sheds in areas I want to spend a lot of time to hold seasonal/regional type clothing, tools and equipment, and miscellaneous type stuff I'm not ready to give up yet. I'd still have my independence and a modicum of security of a place to stay. His friends will get sick of him after awhile or they may not be available to put him up when he is in need of a bed.

Dr Dave

One big difference between you and this idiot is, you will have a moterhome, and well a better plan then he has.

You won't be relying on people to give you a place to sleep to avoid being actually homeless.

You won't be homeless anyway, as yours will be on wheels.


Forever Empress E
Well, I took all my DVDs and CDs out of their cases and put them in binders. Only need about half a shelf now to hold them when before it was a room full. With online storage for media and services that stream almost any media on demand, I may do away with the binders of DVDs and CDs too.

Plus, I've gotten rid of satellite TV and now watch movies and TV on my computers. I'm also digitizing all my photos and giving the hard copies to other family members to keep up with.

That guy gave up everything so he wouldn't have to clean. Not only is he a freeloader, he is a lazy houseguest expecting everyone to clean up after him. Yuck.

I like the motorhome idea so I can move around the country if I like and always have my home with me.