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a goddess!missmanners is a goddess!missmanners is a goddess!missmanners is a goddess!missmanners is a goddess! <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var fontoptions = new Array("Arial", "Arial Black", "Arial Narrow", "Book Antiqua", "Century Gothic", "Comic Sans MS", "Courier New", "Fixedsys", "Franklin Gothic Medium", "Garamond", "Georgia", "Impact", "Lucida Console", "Lucida Sans Unicode", "Microsoft Sans Serif", "Palatino Linotype", "System", "Tahoma", "Times New Roman", "Trebuchet MS", "Verdana"); var sizeoptions = new Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7); var smilieoptions = new Array(); smilieoptions = { } ; var istyles = new Array(); istyles = { "pi_button_selected" : [ "#F1F6F8", "#000000", "0px", "1px solid #316AC5" ], "pi_menu_down" : [ "#98B5E2", "#316AC5", "0px", "1px solid #316AC5" ], "pi_menu_hover" : [ "#C1D2EE", "#316AC5", "0px", "1px solid #316AC5" ], "pi_menu_normal" : [ "#FFFFFF", "#000000", "0px", "1px solid #FFFFFF" ], "pi_popup_down" : [ "#98B5E2", "#000000", "0px", "1px solid #316AC5" ], "pi_button_down" : [ "#98B5E2", "#000000", "0px", "1px solid #316AC5" ], "pi_button_hover" : [ "#C1D2EE", "#000000", "0px", "1px solid #316AC5" ], "pi_button_normal" : [ "#E1E1E2", "#000000", "1px", "none" ] } ; var smiliewindow_x = 240; var smiliewindow_y = 280; var ignorequotechars = 1; // vB Phrases vbphrase["wysiwyg_please_wait"] = "Please wait for the WYSIWYG editor to finish loading..."; vbphrase["wysiwyg_initialized"] = "WYSIWYG Editor initialized for %1$s in %2$s seconds."; vbphrase["wysiwyg_command_invalid"] = "This command is invalid or not implemented."; vbphrase["moz_must_select_text"] = "Mozilla requires that you must select some text for this function to work"; vbphrase["moz_edit_config_file"] = "You need to edit your Mozilla config file to allow this action."; vbphrase["enter_tag_option"] = "Please enter the option for your %1$s tag:"; vbphrase["must_select_text_to_use"] = "You must select some text to use this function."; vbphrase["browser_is_safari_no_wysiwyg"] = "The Safari browser does not support WYSIWYG mode."; vbphrase["enter_option_x_tag"] = "Enter the option for the [%1$s] tag:"; vbphrase["enter_text_to_be_formatted"] = "Enter the text to be formatted"; vbphrase["enter_link_text"] = "Enter the text to be displayed for the link (optional):"; vbphrase["enter_list_type"] = "What type of list do you want? 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