Do me a favor Keith............

Equal Hater

Rope ready. Wanna hang out?
Why are you still here? Still talking about old shit that no one here gives the tiniest fuck about. I don't give a shit what you think or say, it's irrelevant. Period.

And my little hypocrite friend, don't "warn" me to not reinstate you at TKR, and then try to log in. Makes you look owned and stupid.

But I already knew how butthurt you were over that little action. Don't you have a board where you're liked? This ain't the one.

You shit given is so tiny you created threads about it. Don't sweat it, jew. In a month or two I reckon you'll be dead of a heart attack anyway, and you've done good to ban me to protect yourself. Are you that afraid of me?


Equal Hater, prepare to feel the wrath of the



The Legendary Troll Kingdom
You shit given is so tiny you created threads about it. Don't sweat it, jew. In a month or two I reckon you'll be dead of a heart attack anyway, and you've done good to ban me to protect yourself. Are you that afraid of me?

No, your fail is so great that you continue to come back to beg. I didn't ban you here, if you're talking about TKR I completely own you, retard. But then, you're a reject haven reject.

I'm surprised at you Keefe. For someone who "doesn't give a shit" you're investing a LOT of time over here trying to convince no one in particular of your intent.

Heart attack, jew = total pwnership.

Thank you :D


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
That just leaves you Codes. Since you bought my grace with Dennis (which is about to blow up in your face after Patty Cakes sells you out for reals) you are owned.

Lock stock and barrel. Make sure you go back to your failed board and crow about how you beat the Troll King now, y'hear?



New Member
Nothing to sell out. Btw i was polite enough to forward certain elements of our conversation to interested parties jack. Betcha dont show your face around rh anytime soon after i got done pounding the fuck out of it there.
Like i said in my last post, you are now scroll fodder only.

Equal Hater

Rope ready. Wanna hang out?
No, your fail is so great that you continue to come back to beg. I didn't ban you here, if you're talking about TKR I completely own you, retard. But then, you're a reject haven reject.

I'm surprised at you Keefe. For someone who "doesn't give a shit" you're investing a LOT of time over here trying to convince no one in particular of your intent.

Heart attack, jew = total pwnership.

Thank you :D

How exactly you own someone that barely visited your site, and that you banned because "you needed to protect yourself" from?

Looks to me your paranoia is owning you, Jack.


New Member
EH, just leave jack to choke on his chicken bones, his lies arent worth the effort it takes to type a response.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
How exactly you own someone that barely visited your site, and that you banned because "you needed to protect yourself" from?

Looks to me your paranoia is owning you, Jack.

Just like this, dipshit. Like you're the very first person to follow me over here and be my vewwy own personal stalker.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Cody's just a lapdog, he doesn't know any better. He's predictable, and very easy. He BEGGED me to let him back into TKR.

But...I'm surprised at what a fucking idiot YOU turned out to be.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Nothing to sell out. Btw i was polite enough to forward certain elements of our conversation to interested parties jack. Betcha dont show your face around rh anytime soon after i got done pounding the fuck out of it there.
Like i said in my last post, you are now scroll fodder only.

So, what's your purpose here then shitheels? I mean other than to dance for me like your doing?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
How exactly you own someone that barely visited your site, and that you banned because "you needed to protect yourself" from?

Looks to me your paranoia is owning you, Jack.

I dunno "Bogeychat"...looks like I'm owning you on 3 boards simultaneously.



The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Nothing to sell out. Btw i was polite enough to forward certain elements of our conversation to interested parties jack. Betcha dont show your face around rh anytime soon after i got done pounding the fuck out of it there.
Like i said in my last post, you are now scroll fodder only.

Yes, you ran my errands very well. Thanks, little lapdog.