
beer, I want beer
Lucy my dog just puked out whatever she got into earlier today.

I'd rather watch her get sick all over the carpet then read your endless rants complaining about other boards that make you look like a real loser. Wait, you ARE a loser. Never mind.

BRB gotta go clean up that crap on the carpeting now.

Seriously Lucy no one cares. Except for you of course.

Ah, Mr. Contradiction himself. 'I'd rather watch my dog get sick all over the carpet then(?) read your endless rants'... yet, here you are, doing just that. Duh? Fucking moron. You are just jealous that I PWNed TV on a daily basis, whilst everyone mocked you, your marriage, and the optometry shop you work at as a cashier. How's the eyeglass sales these days? Bwaaahhhhhaaaaaaa.

Look, when you can make the Admins over there freak out to the point of posting your IP address, then you may have the privilege of uttering inane remarks... otherwise, shut the fuck up. You sir, are irrelevant. I, on the other hand, am a GOD.


Shifty sumbitch
I'm sorry, what were you saying, Luci? I was too busy reading about the the Senate's latest fuck up and Canada's laughter over the matter.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
I am 'bitching'? I am LAUGHING at my utter PWNage of them. It was so bad I had Edna screaming, begging for others to 'post' a YouTube video, claiming I could not do so myself... RIGHT AFTER she responded to one of my many YouTube video postings. The bitch is so stupid she walked right into my trap. I KNEW they were going to fuck with my ability to post YouTube videos because I was using them to mock our destruction of Americans at our recent Olympics. To say I pissed them off is to put things mildly into perspective. Every time I PWN their asses, they resort to fucking with my entire account. They even resorted to banning me from the site when they claimed I posted some horrid things I never posted. Shit, I wasn't even online at the time of the claim.

Bwaaaaaaaaaahhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaa! Yes, the worship of I may begin.

I stand corrected. I should have said 'crying about it'. Which you're still doing.


its really hard to read your posts since they've been edited to pink but i'm serious, it wasn't about you. they removed youtube button for everyone.


beer, I want beer
its really hard to read your posts since they've been edited to pink but i'm serious, it wasn't about you. they removed youtube button for everyone.

You stupid fuck. I see you cannot read. Even WITH the YouTube button, I was suddenly unable to post YouTube videos. Ironically, this ability was affected right after I started to post YouTube videos which mocked the Americans at the Olympics, and those videos which portrayed Canada's greatness at the same. An Admin there claimed I was fucking up the postings, yet she clearly responded to two such YouTube videos, which proved they were working just fine. Immediately after I started er, getting carried away with my patriotism, and anti-Americanism, I suddenly had no longer the ability to post the videos. Coincidence no? Absolutely not, for they had done this before, YouTube button or no. Feel free to check for yourself. With this, I OWN TV, and they know it.


TK addict
Ah, Mr. Contradiction himself. 'I'd rather watch my dog get sick all over the carpet then(?) read your endless rants'... yet, here you are, doing just that. Duh? Fucking moron. You are just jealous that I PWNed TV on a daily basis, whilst everyone mocked you, your marriage, and the optometry shop you work at as a cashier. How's the eyeglass sales these days? Bwaaahhhhhaaaaaaa.

Look, when you can make the Admins over there freak out to the point of posting your IP address, then you may have the privilege of uttering inane remarks... otherwise, shut the fuck up. You sir, are irrelevant. I, on the other hand, am a GOD.

Except that I didn't read your post.

I skimmed...I think I actually looked at about 3 words "TV" and "admin" and "pwned" and that was all I NEEDED to see.

What you fail to realize is that you're the one who has been fucked with, by advertising TV on other boards and drawing attention to the fact that you're so bent out of shape about it that you'll write long posts complaining about it.

Truth is, TV is in decline, it's BEEN in decline for quite some time, and if you simply shut up about it you wouldn't be helping their cause. Let it die.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Every time geeksplat has a computer glitch he goes megalomaniac. Go figure.


beer, I want beer
Except that I didn't read your post.

I skimmed...I think I actually looked at about 3 words "TV" and "admin" and "pwned" and that was all I NEEDED to see.

What you fail to realize is that you're the one who has been fucked with, by advertising TV on other boards and drawing attention to the fact that you're so bent out of shape about it that you'll write long posts complaining about it.

Truth is, TV is in decline, it's BEEN in decline for quite some time, and if you simply shut up about it you wouldn't be helping their cause. Let it die.

Ah yes, I 'advertise' a site that partakes in Admin abuse. That should get people heading over there, no? This thread is about my utter PWNage of the site.

Bragging about my abilities of PWNage is considered to be 'bent out of shape' now, or 'complaining'. I stated fact when they do partake in Admin abuse. Look at this very thread, where the Admins have fucked with the colour of my text. PWNed! Odd that the Admins utterly ignore you. Is that why you are foaming at the mouth in this thread, telling me to 'shut up'? Might I remind you that jealousy is a weakness?

I do find it ironic that you were mocked for 'complaining' all the time at TV, to the point you created your very own forum to 'get away from the constant abuse' as I recall. Then, when I visited your forum out of curiousity, you had me banned in record time for 'cursing' because I may 'upset the ladies', when there WERE no ladies there. They were duals, you moron. Even to this day, you simply do not get it.

I should also remind you that TV was at the height of popularity ONLY when I was there much of the time. TV's 'decline' began when I left after they fucked with my profile, locking my out of it. I left due to the fact I could not even access my own user CP, because they denied me access to it. I recall posting that I simply saw no point in remaining due to this. After I left, visitorship droppped dramatically. You know it, I know it. Everyone knows it. When you left, they said 'Wizer who?'

Was it not you that threatened TV after they posted your own personal information, which was in fact available to the public? You were so severely PWNed you raced back to your own forum like a little bitch, crying as you did so. You even claimed that since TV 'revealed' your information, you were receiving magazines for which you never subscribed. Even to this day, you cry about that.

As a result of the above, I would suggest you sit back, shut the fuck up and mind your own business. Go threaten TV some more about them 'revealing' your information. I OWNED the morons into believing they had actually revealed my information, when to this very day, they have not a clue who, where, what or why I am. Now, shut the fuck up, and get back behind the cash register at the optometrist office in which you work.


beer, I want beer
Mmmmm, I sense a juicy post rationalisation.

The troll worked perfectly. The morons immediately removed all data, in record time. My stomach ached from the laughter, and still does every time I think about it. PWNed! If they understood how my ISP works, they would understand my laughter. Remember, they have no clue where I live. How can that be? Think about it. They have my IP address, have they not? Think about geolocation, then get back to me. I know this is beyond your ken, so find an IT specialist, and ASK him. You will then be laughing along with me.

What had me laughing was an Admin's claim at TV that he had accessed my ISP, and that they didn't know it. He claimed he had some special software that allowed him to do so without the ISP's knowledge. Seeing opportunity here, I jumped at the chance. I pretended to have contacted my ISP, telling them that there was a guy at a site using US government software, and police computers, to access a Canadian ISP. I reminded him this was illegal. You should have seen him jumping through my hoops in fear, claiming he never said any such thing. PWNed!

Please line up in single file if you are in this thread to pay homage to my trolling abilities.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
So, is Manchy running the Luci dual?

It would "appear" so :D


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Wow, that was really easy


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
that thing still jammed deeply up your ass, it would appear.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
You should know better than to fuck with me, idiot. Especially when I've had a bad day.

But, by all means, continue.


Retired Account
cock cunt shit fuck.