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Do you guys read?

Lilac.. I said in my first post that I've read Dune so many times that the pages are falling out. I think two months ago was about my 15th reading, I"m serious. My dad gave me my first copy of Dune when I was about 14. Look at my custom title thingy under my screen name. I read Dune.. all six books atleast once a year. I refuse to read the prequels or the sequels those are pure garbage. KJA is a shit writer.
I never understood why people reread books and rewatch movies over and over again. It's not like there's a chance of an alternative ending. It's always the same every time.:|
GB, everytime you re-read Dune you will learn something new. It's also like revisiting a familiar place with characters you love and hate.
I re-read Ann Rice's Vampire Chronicles from time to time. I'm not a big fan of the Witches or whatever series. She also did some fairy tales under a different pen name.

LoTR, I think I've read the series more times than I can count. That includes The Hobbit. The Simarillion is a good read, but not as good as some of his other short stories. His son's work is total tripe.

Dune, I've re-read a few times. I love Herbert's world. His little quips on the mix of religion and politics are very good. I agree. The prequels and sequels all suck ass. Cassie, of the two movies for the original that were made, which do you like more? The first movie or the SciFi Chanel three-parter. Also, what did you think of the SciFi's work on Children of Dune?

If I had to pick my favorite books that I read and re-read over and over again it would be Ayn Rand's Anthem, The Fountainhead, and Atlas Shrugged.

I tend to pour over philosophical and religious books more lately. I just got done reading The Gospel of Judas. It speaks of the Gnostic Gospel of Judas that was recently translated. Interesting read.

The book I'm working on now is The Lexus and the Olive Tree by Thomas L Friedman. It speaks of how a single global currency is attainable. I disagree with some things. Friedman's economic theory is all wrong. Without a gold standard it just wouldn't work. But, I'm not done yet. He may have valid footing yet.

When I'm not reading, I'm watching movies.
Conchaga said:
Dune, I've re-read a few times. I love Herbert's world. His little quips on the mix of religion and politics are very good. I agree. The prequels and sequels all suck ass. Cassie, of the two movies for the original that were made, which do you like more? The first movie or the SciFi Chanel three-parter. Also, what did you think of the SciFi's work on Children of Dune?

I really didn't like the movie or mini-series. This is not because they weren't true to Dune, but because I've read the books so many times that I formed the images of the people and places, not to mention their voices, in my mind. Seeing someone else's interpretation of something that I have for so long interpreted in my own way is jarring, to say the least. The SCIFI channel did a pretty good job with the money they had to invest, but I thought they made everything look too shiny and high tech. Dune is about as low-tech as you can get. And.. Weirding modules? ok that was being picky I know David Lynch was running out of money to make the movie. I would love it if someone would invest some real money into making a Dune move. Can you imagine if it was given the same treatment as LotR?

Favorite quotes from Dune

What do you despise? By that you are truly known.
Manual of Maud'Dib

Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.
Bene Gesserit Litany against Fear

A beginning is the time for taking the most delicate care that the balances are correct.
Manual of Maud'Dib

ok.. I'll stop, there are so many,lol.. don't want anyone to think I'm a complete geek.

I've also read Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles a couple times. Good stories!
Cassie said:
I really didn't like the movie or mini-series. This is not because they weren't true to Dune, but because I've read the books so many times that I formed the images of the people and places, not to mention their voices, in my mind. Seeing someone else's interpretation of something that I have for so long interpreted in my own way is jarring, to say the least. The SCIFI channel did a pretty good job with the money they had to invest, but I thought they made everything look too shiny and high tech. Dune is about as low-tech as you can get. And.. Weirding modules? ok that was being picky I know David Lynch was running out of money to make the movie. I would love it if someone would invest some real money into making a Dune move. Can you imagine if it was given the same treatment as LotR?

I think both interpretations of the weirding ways are messed up. Though, the SciFi miniseries did it better justice by throwing in the Voice. The first movie just really distorted the whole thing. And, if Dune were given a LotR budget... I'd cream my pants just watching the trailer.

Favorite quotes from Dune

What do you despise? By that you are truly known.
Manual of Maud'Dib

Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.
Bene Gesserit Litany against Fear

A beginning is the time for taking the most delicate care that the balances are correct.
Manual of Maud'Dib

I'll see your quotes and raise you an exerpt from "Muad Dib: The Ninety-Nine Wonders of the Universe" by Princess Irulan

"When law and duty are one, united by religion, you never become fully conscious, fully aware of yourself. You are always a little less than an individual."

ok.. I'll stop, there are so many,lol.. don't want anyone to think I'm a complete geek.

Complete geek here is merely part of the fold.

I've also read Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles a couple times. Good stories!

Any favorites? I always liked The Vampire Lestat.
Yes The Vampire Lestat is probably my favorite too. I enjoyed all of them though.
The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold is a really good book. Once you start reading it, you won't be able to put it down. It's kind of dark, but really interesting and thought-provoking. Wikipedia synopsis:

The Lovely Bones (2002), by Alice Sebold, is a novel told in the first person by Susie Salmon, a 14-year-old girl who is raped, murdered, and dismembered in the first chapter. Over the next few years, from a personalized heaven that takes the form of a high school she never lived to attend and its suburban surroundings, she watches her family and friends deal with their grief, while her killer escapes justice and goes on to kill again. She tries to reach a sense of closure herself, with the help of others she becomes acquainted with in heaven. Susie can, when she looks down on Earth, see the lives and thoughts of the people she knew, even those of her murderer. She is largely unable to directly interact with them. However, sometimes, members of her family on Earth can see her very briefly.
Still reading The Silmarillion, Wacky! I'm just to the part where there are men.. right after they created the sun and moon.
Halfway through Brice Campbell's "If Chins Could Kill - Confessions of a B Movie Actor"
I thought there were going to be men, but so far it's just elves, elves and more elves and a few dwarves. They only mentioned men so far. Now it's going on about where all the different groups of elves live and stuff like that. Still very good, I kinda wish it get on with it though.
I could of read War and Peace 276 times the time I've spent reading posts on TK.

Not that I'd want to.