Do you remember when?


Can I have Ops?
We used to attach Shotgun cartridges to our wheel spokes and spin down the lanes shooting other childrens legs off. How we laughed. It's a shame that "Shotwheels" are no longer sold in all good toy shops.

There are so many things we should hold onto from these gentler times. Does anyone else remember these pastimes and products from yesteryear that have been pushed to the wayside?


Boobie inspector

Bassically a tethered ball on a pole that you knocked in one direction, then hit with a paddle in the opposite direction.

You had to pay close attention or the cord had a habbit of wrapping around your throat, which if you then fell down would hang you.


Can I have Ops?
That reminds me of "Hangwank" which was sold by Argos between 1974 and 1975. It was withdrawn from sale because so many parents were complaining about the nasty marks it made on door frames.

I also remember the rope was made of polyester and caused a rather angry red mark on your neck. How we laughed when someone came into school with a red mark round their neck "Ha Ha Hangwank" was the call in the playground.


Boobie inspector
There was also Kerplunk the drunk, where you had a plastic tube full of holes and cocktail sticks with marbles inside.

Then kids would take turns taking the cocktail sticks out the tube and stabbing drunks with them, then when they screamed, forced marbles down their throats.


Elder Statesman
I remember "Blob-goo", which was made from discarded, highly base industrial waste. It was such fun, you put it on concrete and watch it etch your name or other pictures into the pavement, you put it on your friends and watch them run around screaming as their skin dissolved, and that "I dare you to eat it" game that was minutes of fun before the paramedics or the hearse showed up. Remember to say "you First!" so you can laugh.

I hear it was even a "green" product because it kept those chemicals out of the waste stream without all of that messy haz-mat plasterwork. Why can't they make products like that anymore?


I want to smell dark matter
Fuckaroo. Where you had to insert plastic penises into a plastic hooker until she kicked you in the face. How we laughed.


Is this real life?
That's quite similar to what we used to call Conkers, where you had to whack someone else's testicles with your own and whoever chickened out was pushed in a canal tied to a bag of concrete Pogs.

It was eventually banned due to some kid in Norwich getting blinded. No one could ever figure out quite how that was possible, but it was all the excuse the Nazi schoolboard needed.


Boobie inspector
Thats similar to the old playground game "british bulldog" where a bunch of kids would run from one side of the playground to the other while being chased by wild dogs.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
We always used to play hide and seek a lot. One child would go and hide and then us, his family and everyone else in the town would seek him for a few weeks until we found the amazing hiding place which was in three seperate bin bags in a ditch by the M4, with his head hidden a mile away under a tree.

Best hide and seeker ever.


I want to smell dark matter
And how about the original Twister, where we used to physically twist and contort the weaker children into painful configurations?
And how about the original Twister, where we used to physically twist and contort the weaker children into painful configurations?

That game was originally invented by a pedophile priest & his harem of nuns. The children were intended to be naked while twisting, once the children were bent into a pretzel shape & couldn't get loose the nuns would chloroform them & the priest would have his nasty way with them. There are other variations of the game but this was the most popular. Often, when there were no children around the priest would play the game naked with the nuns...sort of a practice run.


Boobie inspector
And lets not forget Tic Tac Hoe, where you push a small mint into a festering prossies minging minge, or hungy gungry gypo, where you taunt malnourished travellers with bacon butties.


I want to smell dark matter
And Bury The Fucker. Took them a week to find me in the woods the first time I was the victim. But it made me the man I am today!