Doctor Who dream last night


I want to smell dark matter
I was watching the first episode of the new season (probably not a coincidence that I read that article about the first episode of the new season right before bed.) The Doctor (MATT SMITH) and Amy Pond were in a village and the bad guys were...cartoon characters. It was like Who Framed Roger Rabbit. It looked pretty cool. I remember thinking "oh, that's why there's been no pictures of the villains yet, they were still being drawn!" But then the leader of the bad guys was revealed...and it was Muttley from Wacky Races. He did the laugh and everything. I was thinking about how outraged the internet would be right before I woke up.


Is this real life?
You should DEFINITELY send that idea to Moffat.


I want to smell dark matter
Was yours dirty?


I want to smell dark matter
Amy was dressed like she was in that recent photoshoot at one point in mine.


Boobie inspector
Sounds great, weirdly I had a Charlies Angels dream, I was Bosley.

We were infiltrating some huge corporations headquarters, and I found myself in some huge room full of mint condition 1970s toys and comics, all in their original boxes, plus plasma screens showing tv and adverts from the decade.

Then I got nabbed by security and woke up.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I dreamed CaptainWacky was the Doctor and he parked the tardis right in front of the bathroom and refused to move it unless I promised to take care of his ducks.

(not really)


I want to smell dark matter