Doctor Who the entire 31 series journal entry #2


Let's fuck some shit up
I got tired of watching it all in order and started watching all the episodes having to do with the major villains: daleks, cybermen, sontarans, etc.

Everything else seems to be fluff creatures you only see in one or two episodes/series and never see again.

Tracking down all the Time Lord episodes is going to be hell. Do we ever get to see the doctor trapping the time war in the Medusa Cascade? Don't tell me I have to read DWM to find it.

I downloaded a cool comic recently.


Anyone want it?
I'd post the whole thing, but it's over 100 images long.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
The Time Lord stories are:

The Time Meddler (well, it's the first non-Doctor Time Lord we meet)
The War Games (the first time we really see them)
Terror of the Autons (if only for the first appearence of The Master)
The Three Doctors
The Deadly Assassin
The Invasion of Time
Arc of Infinity
The Five Doctors
Trial of a Time Lord

And that's pretty much it.

We have never seen anything of the Time War, as it's pretty much all done by The Eighth Doctor, and of course he's only been on screen once. But it's basically something that has never been told - and probably will never be - in any of the TV episodes, books, comics or audios.


Let's fuck some shit up
Not entirely true. We've seen a Galifrey littered with Dalek ships in The End of Time Pt2. Right after the opening credits there's this:



Let's fuck some shit up
I don't see one as the "classic" series or the "modern" series. It's all one series imho. Despite "rebooting" (a term I hate to use for TV/Film media) the show in 2005, it's still the same show. It bears the same name and the main character is still the same, even though they've done a more intelligent Daren-type switch 11 times.

I'd have to say that Abrams took a cue fom DW when he revamped Trek. When dealing with time and dimensional travel, you can pretty much do what you want over however long of a timeline you'd like.

I'm shocked that DW hasn't gotten enough press in the US. It really is a groundbreaking and continually-pushing-the-edge sci-fi show. Even their technobabble is on par or sometimes above par with Trek. Trek followed a lot of Asimov's writings and several other physicists to get their technobabble. It appears that Who was doing the same thing. Even recently, in The Stolen Earth and Journey's End, they speak of Z-Neutrinos. Neutrinos have been in theoretical stages since the 1930's. However, they've only been in common laws in the last 15 years. Anyway, I've been constantly impressed by this show.

I look forward to watching more.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
Yes well it's just an easier way to say "everything before 2005".

When RTD restarted the show, the old/new divide was quite big, with it not even being clear if the show fitted in the the old show at all. This was on purpose, so as to separate the new audience from their pre-conceived ideas of Doctor Who, namely dodgy monsters and cardboard sets. As the series as gone on it's links with the earlier shows has increased, to the point where Moffat now treats them as one show, with Matt Smith's season basically being season 31.


Let's fuck some shit up
IIRC Moffat called it "Series Fnarg".

TBH, I loved the cardboard sets and the shitty effects and props.

It was amusing watching the campy toy guns they used in the Resurrection of the Daleks.

