Does anyone know what happened to the redhead picture thread?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
It's buried deep somewhere down there, and I'm too distracted to find it, but my brother is visiting for the weekend (havent seen him in 8 years) and he loves reds, so thats a good one to show him?

Anybody who's better at historical searching than me?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Thanks darlin'.

He liked the board after reading the thread. When he gets back to Ithaca, he intends to register.

LOL that'll be fun. He's seven years older than I am.




The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Do you really have a brother jack?


Yep. His name is Al. He worked at Cornell in the Large Hadron Collider facility as manager of the parts warehouse for over 35 years.

We hadn't seen each other in quite a while, so he used my little event as an excuse to come visit. He's about to retire, once he figures out how to work everything.

He'll be 64 end of August.

And no, you didn't know this before, because with rare exceptions I don't pimp my family at TK.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Redheads rule.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Sadly he passed 5 years ago.