Does the world really need another iPhone?

The Question

To the question: "Does the world need another iPhone?" No.

And then again... to the question, "Did the world ever need a mobile telephone of any kind?"

No. I mean, really, who's the planet gonna call?


New Member
I need iphone. From the beginning I am fascinated by the technological advancement given by the iphone to the world as a fully touch device. From the time when iphone was firstly introduced on January 9, 2007 I am in touch with all the technologies given by apple.

The Question

I need iphone. From the beginning I am fascinated by the technological advancement given by the iphone to the world as a fully touch device. From the time when iphone was firstly introduced on January 9, 2007 I am in touch with all the technologies given by apple.

Why are you will be sounding like a Nigerian scammer?

The Question

He's been touched by Apple. This explains things.

If that's true, it means that Apple can make even dumb cupcakeers sound passably intelligent. Now if only he'd use Pages '09's excellent spelling and grammar checks.

Archibald Nixon

anti-life coach


