Troll Kingdom

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Tamar_Garish said:
He usually does, unlike him his Daddy has a big cock.

Did you remember to oil the wheels on your wheelchair sweetie? It could be dangerous for you if you do not keep them well oiled. Mwaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!
Ultros said:
By the way, I see FascistCanuck has been banned.

Nice job, LOL.

Who is FascistCanuck? Is that another one of your duals? Fuck. How many of them do you have and now you are pretending to be a fucking Canadian? Rather pathetic.
Ultros said:


I see you do know Witchcraft... :laugh:

Tamar_Garish said:
Oh noes!! A wheelchair joke! My life is at an end he wounds me so!

Shhhh. That squeeky wheelchair is making too much noise. I cannot hear over the din of MESSENGER's crying. I suggest you get your retarded boyfriend to oil it for you. surely you can show him which container is the grease for your wheelchair yes? Your life was at an end when you were born sweetheart. You went straight from strollers to wheelchairs. *points at you and laughs*
Ultros said:
I wouldn't mind being the retarded BF.

You ARE the retarded boyfriend. Whom do you think I was talking about? I have seen the way you and TAMAR yap at each other so lovingly. She is a cripple. You are a retard. You are both made for each other.
Paladin said:
I feel it my obligation to ask if you are EVER away from your computer. Out of curiousity I have checked this site and others you frequent. I discovered much to my dismay there was a 24-hour period in which you were on-line on this site and two others.

Is your life so pathetic and without meaning that you must spend all of your hours seated before a computer? I have never, ever met anyone who spent 24 hours straight seated before a computer visiting BBSs. I wish for you to be honest. Do you even have the slightest smatterings of a life? Have you ever stepped outside for a breath of fresh air? According to my own investigations you have not. THIS *points at cyberspace* is your life. You know it, I know it and everyone knows it.

I must ask, how does it feel to be so pathetic that when you speak to visiting family members and tell them about conversations you had with your 'friends' you neglect to mention those very same 'friends' are internet names of people whom you have never before met in your entire miserable excuse for a life? I can see you telling your momma on the rare trip you make from your bedroom in her basement about the lively conversation you had with a LORD RAFFLES about the ramifications of the Russian invasion of Iraq. This would consist of your entire day. As such, you have never dated a female in your entire life although your buddy LORD RAFFLES claims you do have a female 'friend' who is fat and ugly. I doubt even this is possible for one would be required to get out once in awhile.

If your real name is SIMON, then I truly feel for you and your JEW self. If Jews are all like yourself then I do not blame anyone for any Holocaust that happened. We do not need someone who spends his lifetime seated before a computer in our society. As you are also unemployed it is fact you are but a drain on your country's resources. Too fucking lazy to find a job and too hooked on visiting forums to bother getting out of them and seeking a job via the very same internet.

I quite recall your defending fag rights to the point of being shrill. Is the fat, ugly bitch LORD RAFFLES revealed as being your girl really a decoy to throw everyone off the scent of the fact you are a faggot? Is she really your cousin paid to help you hide your tendency to lick your chops at the sight of cocks?

Normally I would ask a LOSER such as yourself to at least try to have a life but having discovered your 24-hour marathon I shall not bother. You are but a lost cause. Anyone who feels a need to create more than 15 duals within a single BBS has mental deficiencies. Everything you post as part of a 'discussion' is always a paste-and-cut job. I know because I checked. You have nothing to say for yourself. If you would post your own knowledge I would understand but when you post something and claim it as your own when my own investigation has revealed that claim is false you are more than pathetic. You are a plagiarist. If you wish to come off looking intellectual please try to do so of your own volition. Do not borrow the works of others. I have seen exactly the same post in two different sites you have made.

I would suggest to you a long hiatus from the internet as it is affecting you psychologically. You are doing retarded things in here as of late (spamming every single post I make). Seems you cannot handle me as I am beyond your experience. Every time I have a civil discussion with you, spam on your part is always the end result. This alludes to your defeat. You are a weak little man who throws temper tantrums every time something does not go your way. In short:


Are you promoting alternative tools for euthanasia? Because anyone that reads all that and actually tries to form an opinion on it is not going to be with us for long. I'm sure there are more humane methods to kill someone than through sheer block yellow lameness though.
Paladin said:
Shhhh. That squeeky wheelchair is making too much noise. I cannot hear over the din of MESSENGER's crying. I suggest you get your retarded boyfriend to oil it for you. surely you can show him which container is the grease for your wheelchair yes? Your life was at an end when you were born sweetheart. You went straight from strollers to wheelchairs. *points at you and laughs*

You know, I am glad you keep saying this because it just shows how ignorant you are. You have no idea what you are blathering about.

You are a lousy absolutely never hit the mark. I bet you pee on the floor because the hole in the toilet seat is too small as well.

All you ever do is go from site to site doing the exact same lame act over and over and over again. You never get any better. You are boring, predictable and sloppy.
Tamar_Garish said:
You know, I am glad you keep saying this because it just shows how ignorant you are. You have no idea what you are blathering about.

You are a lousy absolutely never hit the mark. I bet you pee on the floor because the hole in the toilet seat is too small as well.

All you ever do is go from site to site doing the exact same lame act over and over and over again. You never get any better. You are boring, predictable and sloppy.

Please do not cry. There is nothing I abhor more than a bitch who cries every time she has been made to look like an idiot. There is also the fact you could end up rusting the metal on your wheelchair with those tears.