Dork Lord and Yub to forge an alliance?


New Member


We are allied in the sense we fight for the same things right now. There is no conspiracy, that denotes orginization and planning. I'm winging it. I'm completely unsure wheter Pickle makes plans, but I sure as hell don't.

If Pickle starts acting like a douchstatic turdmunching cockstain, eg like you, hummus or Dirk, I'll waste no time in treating him in the same fashion I treat you, hummus and Dirk. I don't forsee it happening, though. Now kindly stop thinking, because you're overheating and the smell of burnt hair is horrible.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
If Pickle starts acting like a douchstatic turdmunching cockstain

I thought only women were fickle. You're just an opportunist. More power to you and all that, but I've known Jeffie a LONG time. Probably longer than any of you.

He is probably the most unreliable "cohort" for any troll you might attempt. His ego drives that bus, and it's a pretty short one too. I got a chance to see his inner workings in the last few months. It hasn't been pretty, and his reverting to other people's trolls of me is pretty clear evidence of that. He lacks originality, and simply rides the coat tails of whoever he thinks will get him where he wants to go.

I think the real key to all this is his continued depth of bitterness over what happened to him with Mirah.

You should see the exchanges between he and I over what happened there. He's a bitter, mean self serving shitheels.

This isn't fake drama, I've just woken up to what he's really like, so you know...good luck with your "alliance". I'll be pointing that out when it falls apart.

Pickle can't be trusted.

Sniper Kitty

Sinless and Purrfect
I'd say it's unwise to trust anyone met on a board like TK.


Pinata Whacker
If Pickle starts acting like a douchstatic turdmunching cockstain

I thought only women were fickle. You're just an opportunist. More power to you and all that, but I've known Jeffie a LONG time. Probably longer than any of you.

He is probably the most unreliable "cohort" for any troll you might attempt. His ego drives that bus, and it's a pretty short one too. I got a chance to see his inner workings in the last few months. It hasn't been pretty, and his reverting to other people's trolls of me is pretty clear evidence of that. He lacks originality, and simply rides the coat tails of whoever he thinks will get him where he wants to go.

I think the real key to all this is his continued depth of bitterness over what happened to him with Mirah.

You should see the exchanges between he and I over what happened there. He's a bitter, mean self serving shitheels.

This isn't fake drama, I've just woken up to what he's really like, so you know...good luck with your "alliance". I'll be pointing that out when it falls apart.

Pickle can't be trusted.

Ditto. I 100% agree with everything you just said. Its all true. I too have recently woken up to what a fickle Pickle Jeffy really is.


Retired Account


Retired Account


moral imperfection
Aren't you still in league with the Andromeda Leprechaun?
This is either a very elegantly disguised cue that you have stumbled upon an information of my past and would like to show me that you know, masked as a question that no outsider would ever get the double-meaning of, or TK has finally succeeded in making me paranoid. :madgrin:

Personally, I think it's the latter, but OMG WHAT IF IT'S TRUE AND YOU FOUND OUT ABOUT ME AND THE LEPRECHAUN?!?!! :ascared:


Retired Account
I snag a body bag them dirty fucking cunts

FBI parte due

Folces Weard
Us midgets know the hidden ways about places and speak our own secret tongue.

My weekly chats with Shalamar have been... MOST INFORMATIVE.