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I dreamed I was Oliver Queen living in a big house on a beach, I was trying to relax but there was girls outside saying they knew I was the green arrow, then the wind picked up and the house took off, it was blown miles, before crashing through trees and breaking up, I briefly woke up, before getting back to sleep, the dream carried on, but now I was batman, and I was worried because the batmobile and batwing were both smashed up in Bruce Wayne's house, and how was I going to explain this? Alfred was about to suggest something, then I woke up again.
I was riding in the back of a limo being driven by a very buxum lady in the front, we pulled over and had sex, but then the car went off a cliff, and she got knocked out, and we had to be rescued by her father who turned out to be a mafia don. I covered her tits up with my coat as we carried her out of the car, and he said, "you're a good man Kirk, but you are not the one for my daughter" then we parted ways. I guess I was James T Kirk, bit it was the present. Really nice tits though.
Dreamed I was in some kind of star trek star wars crossover, as people in the star wars universe were being replaced with robot duplicates, this was obvious from the start as I was in a room with both Darth Vader and Anakin Skywalker, I couldn't tell Geordie I knew who the robot was, as I knew I wasn't meant to know.
I've been having dreams--interesting ones, even--but I haven't been remembering them. Nothing more than the vaguest forms and snippets. Tonight I had one that I remembered. It was decidedly non-interesting. This morning, really. Alarm went off. That was NOT a dream. But hitting the snooze was. So then I just dreamed I was dozing and waiting for the snooze to go off.

Crap. Actually I don't remember much about this dream either. But I do remember at one point I was listening to (watching?) "Car Talk." Some woman had called in because the transmission/(steering?) was bad in this car she bought for a race car and she'd spent all her money on it. Then the guys basically just mocked her for the whole segment because the transmission/(steering?) is the only really expensive part of the "rolling chassis" of a race car project and there was really nothing she could do to fix it. They even had some kind of "Dummy award" for the week that they gave her until she was basically ready to cry.
Had a doozy last night. I was in some kind of...program. Job? College? Club? Dunno. But at one point we had to get to our locations via speedboats, that we drove around this mazelike structure, part of which was under the Statue of Liberty. Yes, I know the Statue of Liberty is up on a big stone pedestal, but in my dream it was more like a parking garage in Venice, or an oil platform--you came out of a building and your boat was moored right next to her feet. And at some point they'd built a statue that was apparently a tribute to Communism right next to it. It was a big red dude, walking briskly and waving at someone. It was the color and texture of a fire hydrant--bright red and blobby with layers of caked on paint. My buddy who was driving the boat banged the hell out of an elevator exterior. Judging from previous damage it wasn't the first time it had been hit and we were joking about how stupid...whatever it was we were doing...was and instead we should just cruise around looking for the other boats and banging into things, which sounded like a lot of fun.

Then I was supposed to get to some kind of art class thing where we were making little sculptures of a model. I wasn't happy that I was going to be late but figured it wasn't that big a deal and that I'd just jump in and catch up. But it was a group project and you had to be part of a group of exactly 4 people and everyone had already been assigned. Some other people showed up but we couldn't get started unless there were exactly 4. At that point I decided the project was stupid anyway.
Holy hell. This morning was a doozy. I don't know what triggered it or what it means. It was a little disjointed, but overall had a narrative/plot. It started out with a kind of "Planet of the Apes" vibe. Someone had taken over society and we were going to fight back. We broke into their armory/supply warehouse and started arming ourselves. For some reason there was some distinctive tool that should be a specific color (like DeWalt's yellow or Milwaukee Tool's red) that the overlords were responsible for, so we were looking for those but there really weren't any so I'd be like "Take one of these. It should be orange but it'll do." And everything had a kind of plastic toy feel to it, for the most part. I did get my hands on a real nice military folding shovel (entrenching tool).

Then as we're leaving the scene, some guy starts walking right up close to me--I mean practically touching me. So I'm turning and distancing myself and he gets humorous and indignant that he's one of "us" and that I didn't recognize him. There's also a bit of "we all look alike to you" guilt because he's black. Now I'm not always good at recognizing people IRL, so I just laughed and played it off with "Oh, yeah, you looked different with the hat" or whatever. But then he's back to the close-walking and I can tell he's trying to strip my weapons off me. About that time he grabs me and as I fight him the guy ahead of us turns to help him. They're both Bad Guys and the guy behind me is like "just get out your knife and stab him!" Luckily I my arm free and gave them each a couple good swings with the e-tool.

So then I made it back to my house (which of course was nothing like my actual house). It was wide open and I could hear people inside. Pretty soon they spotted me and started attacking. They were jumping off steps/balcony/second story window at me. At this point I had a pistol and unlike most dreams I have, it actually worked. But I didn't know what caliber it was or how many shots so I'm trying to balance putting enough lead into each attacker to stop them with having enough left over in case there's more. The first 2 got stopped with 4 shots each. Don't know if I killed them, but I ended the threat. I only had 2 shots for the 3rd guy. Then I could hear their female accomplice in the house. The last guy isn't as wounded as I'd like, but I don't have time to deal with him. The girl is freakishly tall--at least 6'--but I manage to get some kind of arm-bar or get her by the hair or something and I'm frog-walking her back to...whatever our rally point is to turn her over to...someone...for holding.

That's when I realize I don't have any pants. I don't want to go into my house because I'm out of ammo and managing a prisoner, so I stop over to a neighbor to see if I can borrow some pants. He's like "I was hoping you'd hurry up and ask" and starts rummaging for some suitable pants. While he's doing that, another neighbor whips out some camouflage rain pants. I'm about to take them when the first guy gets out a couple pairs of track pants to chose from and I'm trying to decide which one goes better with the Star Trek TOS cast movie maroon tunic I'm wearing. And that's when I wake up.
OK. It isn't like I haven't been having dreams. I have. And it isn't like they haven't been whacky and amazing and interesting. They have been. But I CAN'T REMEMBER THE DAMN THINGS. I'll mean to share it, but by the time I'm up and the coffee is going and everything, it's gone. That said, I did remember a snippet of last night's dream.

I don't know what was happening or why it came up. Someone younger than me pissed me off. And I wanted to scare 'em a bit. But I didn't want them to crap their pants. So I asked them if they'd seen "Predator." Don't remember if they had, but their friend vaguely remembered it. So I proceeded to explain the relevant bits of the 1980s Ahnuld movie, "Predator." I did a terrible job. But because it was a dream, they bravely listened to me yammer on.

The kicker is, I woke up and realized I hadn't even gotten to the whole point of the question, which was where Mac(?) grabs Karl Weathers and says "You're ghosting us. I don't care who you are back in the world, you fuck up again, I'll bleed you, real quiet." (or words to that effect).

So yeah. Maybe this dream wasn't very exciting, since it basically consisted of me fucking up a story about a 1980s movie to a 20something kid. But at least I remembered it.
Among other dreams, tonight's, I met with my renters and talked with them about coming by to fix their fireplace so they could build fires in it (right now they aren't supposed to because there are some cracks in the masonry in the firebox).
Snippet of a dream from this morning: I was watching(?) a documentary on some kind of testing on some kind of rodents. They'd trapped a bunch for the test and were taking them to put in their cages or whatever but some of their tails were sticking out and part of one of the tails fell off. The narrator pointed out the tail would go to some undefined testing center to validate that the animals were appropriate or whatever--it was all very vague. Then they opened the sample box and it was full of tails and all the tails were squirming around. The narrator explained that the tails could live independently and in some undefined way some of them could regenerate into the full animal. Of course at that point the entire box of tails was in the process of turning into rodents. They were all getting eyes on one end of the tail before starting to get increasingly defined body parts so they looked like some Gummi Bear version of a rodent. Pretty soon they started escaping from the box. It all sounds much more horrible than it was. It was basically as exciting as a Discovery Channel documentary.
Discovery Channel documentary can be exciting if narrated by Morgan Freeman, Jack Black or Samuel L Jackson.
I thought I was awake when I looked outside and saw some bushes blowing around in the wind and a bare dry hillside. I thought, "Hmmm snow must have melted" I walked to the restroom and by the time I walked back and looked outside again the hill had snow on it-
I was still asleep when I stood up and walked to the restroom. How does that even happen?
Snippet last night that shows how dreams can change midstream: There's some kind of dispute going on. Is it about a guitar? Or something else that happened and the guitar just proves it? At this point the 2 parties are having to testify so they each get up on the stand with the guitar in question to play Prince's classic, "Purple Rain." The first guy gets through it and it is clearly recognizable but also a very basic novice version. So in classic '80s movie fashion, I expect the climax will be when the other guy gets up there and shreds "Purple Rain," the courtroom goes nuts, he gets the girl and we roll credits. Instead, it turns out they did a remake of "Purple Rain" not long before Prince's death and the final song is some lame slow acoustic trio and the other guy is doing that version. At this point I'm...on my computer? trying to figure out what the hell's going on and finding out about the remake. And now the remake music is the only version of the movie you can find online.
Had another one that qualifies as a nightmare. I was dreaming that I was some place, possibly in the military, and set to surprise some people that were out of sight but that I could hear getting closer. But then I "realized" I was "actually" hearing voices in my basement that were closer and "woke up." I was going to say something to scare them off or something but couldn't make my mouth open or any sound come out. Then I woke up for real and realized it had all been a dream. The fact that the initial voice had that deep bass synthesized devil/demon voice should have tipped me off--the Goa'uld from SG-1. The voice the Goa'uld have when their eyes glow.
Had one that was theoretically extended, but was very disjointed and couldn't decide what it wanted to be. Started out Top Gun/Tom Clancy. Russians were flying some plane they shouldn't have been in a place they weren't supposed to. Commercial plane but carrying missiles or spy cameras or something. But it has one fighter for an escort, which kind of ruins the disguise. So 2 fairly badass US fighters show up. One was like an F22 on 'roids or something and the other was straight-up sci-fi. Of course the escort fighter bugs out and they escort the other plane back to the carrier/base. Once there the Russian pilot actually is happy and wants to defect, but then we move to a fairly nice hotel the G-men are holding him in and he's annoyed because they only religious reading they have for him is Judeo-Christian and he isn't happy with anything else either. He doesn't want any fiction but the non-fiction selection isn't interesting him either. Then it's some kind of mashup of a police station/detective's office/Old West jail/saloon. 4-5 cops/gunfighters are sitting around, trying to decide what to do about the case. (The Russian defector? Who knows.) John Wayne is over at a side table, occasionally interjecting some comment. There's a knock at the door so everyone takes cover. Why? Who knows. One of the guys comes out of the bathroom just as they're getting ready to open the door but they quickly wave him back to cover. The person at the door turns out to be familiar and has information that "the car had diplomatic plates." That's about it. I wasn't exactly in the dream, I'd jump to one of the characters in each scene. I was mostly a camera angle for the airplane bit but I was one of the G-men and I was trying to get the defector to read "Atlas Shrugged" when he got pissy about wanting only nonfiction.
This last week Santa Claus was in one of my dreams and in another I was dumping a dead body over a dumpster or cliff.
A bad guy wanted to drill a hole in the back of my head, he said I might not die from it. Woke before he could try.
Not only did I dream about a dead man's son but then I told them people in my next dream about it!

At least in my 2nd dream I got seduced by a lesbian. And then I saw her cute guy roommate.

Also I was in a building I've been in before in my dreams.

Also I bought earrings from a kid who made them. They were made out of soft metal.
I should have stayed awake the first time I woke up this morning. I went back to sleep and dreamt about a previous place of employment. I mouthed off to a customer and got sent home. After I thought about it for a bit, it was quite nice to not have to work that day, and to mouth off to a customer!
He got out of his car and was complaining about everything and then said "I'm trying to bite my tongue" I walked by and said "Me too"
For me, interrupted sleep is apparently the key to remembering dreams. Old Dog had a medical issue where she couldn't figure out how to walk and is back home after a night in the hospital with an array of medicines (she should be able to make a complete recovery and is already showing improvement). Wanted to go Out around 2am and didn't want to come back In until after 3am. Then I had to get up and check on her a couple times when I heard her crashing around the room she's resting in.

Anyway, I was some kind of bodyguard/adventurer. I had a buddy/partner, and a nemesis with a strongman/enforcer. The Bad Guys were executing some kind of plan to marry into the Royal Family, where they had some kind of lost prince or princess and someone to marry them (I know it's all muddy and needlessly complex, it's a dream) before doing away with one or both of them. But we had to do a kind of formal procession through some shopping mall while people were commenting on how shopping malls really aren't the same these days. People in the procession who knew what was going on (me, my partner, the sham couple) were doing things like going around the ceremonial bridges and the hope that someone would realize all was not right and intervene? I dunno. But finally we got through the doors to those corridors behind the shops and the dastardly plan was about to hit the point of no return. The bride and/or groom made a dash for the door while my partner sucker-punched the Teeth/Oddjob style henchman (who had a kind of bodybuilder/Rutger Hauer vibe). But since the guy has a head like a cinder block I knew it wouldn't be enough so I got in as many shots as I could too before we got overpowered. And that's about it.