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Had a fairly detailed one yesterday that I was sad that I didn't get to write down. But it seems to have stuck with me so I'll give it a shot. Some fairly common themes from my dreams but with a few new twists:

I'm in an Uber or a cab or something that is taking me to some kind of military conference or planning session and I'm in a suit and tie. The driver is trying to make small talk so I tell him I kill people for a living before walking that back and clarifying a bit. Of course once I get in the actual room with everyone I'm in a collared shirt and pajama bottoms while everyone else is dressed appropriately. Some girl who is hosting(?) moderating(?) the event tries to diffuse things by pointing out that the pajama bottoms are "cute." I try to at least change into a T-Shirt so what I'm wearing makes a bit of sense but I can't get the T-shirt to go over my head and shoulders so I give up. I also realize my pajama bottoms are actually pretty ratty and worn out and remember I have a pair of pants with me so I duck into this hostel/cafe type place next door(!) to change in the bathroom. At first all I can find is the ladies' room but then someone points me to the men's room. Of course I'm having trouble changing quickly and I'm holding up the line. People are banging on the door because they want to take a shower. And since it is a kind of hippie place I could've just changed out in the main room. Indeed, there's a cute girl just walking around naked. A guy I met subtly tries to point her out and I'm like "I know. But I can't just stare." Around this point I'm starting to wonder if any of the people in the hostel have security clearances and why a big military conference is happening right next door--there aren't even doors between the two spaces--just doorways. Maybe not even that, just an missing wall between the two rooms.
A well dressed black man and white man where coming to kill me, they where kind of like the ones in pulp fiction but not played by famous people, I got away from them and arranged a meeting with the guy who sent the hitmen, but when I asked him why he sent them he wouldn't answer me.
Dreamed of my dad for the first time in years, we were visiting a place my mum was evacuated to, we walked near a river, then as we approached a house my dad met someone he knew, he went into the house with his friend and went into a room I couldn't see, the wife said to me, you can come inside too if you like alcohol, so I went in to get some whisky.
The 997 million "like" smilies that you have to retry if you don't have "Operation" game-like precision with the mouse do not amuse me. (Wanted some kind of "love" smilie, but after 57 attempts, I just picked the first one that showed up.)

I had some disjointed snippets this morning that entertained my brain but would make boring reading even if I remembered them.
Yesterday I clearly hadn't had enough sleep--and/or not enough good sleep. Last night, instead of starting the night on the guest bed for various reasons (The Dog was hogging the bed with a dental treat and already growling at The Cat any time he came too close and I worried that having her move would just exacerbate that) I got some good sleep. I have most of my memorable dreams in the morning, after the snooze alarm starts going off. And if I don't have to be anywhere and I keep having dreams, I'll keep hitting the snooze.

The most memorable one this morning, I was going to do some shopping and looking for a place to park. I usually just take the first spot but today I decided I deserved to have a close up spot. But then I realized I was driving in the store and that this was not something people did. I thought about leaving, but since they probably wouldn't let me back in and/or the cops would have gotten there by then, I just stuck with it. Buying clothes. There were a couple cute younger girls that I wanted to know and I was dressed kind of dorky, so I went and picked up some hip sexy clothes. Then (apparently) the plan was to just strip naked and change into them right in front of them instead of going to a changing booth (although I feel like I tried them on in the changing booth first to see how they looked.

A guy was there with the girls and I was talking to him. (I'm not sure if I was trying to get in with them by being cool with their friend or if my brain just doesn't know how to do girl dialog.) Anyway, at this point I realize I'm wearing an S&M dog collar and try to play that off and the guy is telling his story of wearing one once. Things don't seem to be going horribly but then I woke up.
OK. Got really good sleep last night. Actually had a memorable dream before the alarm. And it was a doozy. Had a more conventional--but still pretty good one--after the alarm. I'll go with the more conventional one first:

We're on a bus. Wrestling match, who knows? There's the younger group (which I consider myself a part of) and the parents and other old people. There's also a bunch of microbrews stacked up along the aisle. And the idea is that they're going to drop off the athletes (or whatever the young people (and by young, I mean 25-35 ish) are). As we get off the bus, we get to grab a case/sixpack. I take too long deciding and miss getting off. I'm going to have to go back to the hotel with the old people. Some other things happened but I forget them now.

So here's the completely weird one (OK, maybe not quite so weird, but a lot of new imagery and weirdly specific): I'm working in marketing for Kellog's (or at least I think I am) and they're having some kind of clinic/workshop on cereal design. You know, when a bottle has a tamper evident metal cap? With the little gold metal tabs? Something that looks a lot like that in varying lengths is involved in developing cereal flavors. I can't tell you how because I apparently wasn't paying attention during the lecture. See, I was busy researching box designs for Trix to come up with insights on what we needed for a cereal flavor. While everyone else was following the lecture I was making marketing notes. Eventually the presenter had to take me aside and discipline me for not paying attention.
Last night's was about... geckos. But, of course, because I play a fuckton of Fallout: New Vegas, it was Fallout: New Vegas geckos. Not the cute kind with cockney accents who want to sell you car insurance, ohhh, no. The kind that run on their hind legs and have teeth like the monsters from Critters and want to bite your feet.

So I dreamed I was punting tiny meat-eating lizards.
I was in some kind of custom bus that ran on burning wood in the engine, I used a band saw to cut up a plank into small pieces, then hit a button which put them all in a bag ready for use, i then did another one, but pressed the wrong button and the wood I had cut just went into a slot at the back of the saw and was immediately burnt.
So....apparently I was running an open mic night and Justin Bieber was there, younger bieber and something happened that caused concern for him so I made sure he was fine and I thanked him for being on the show.
Then there was a pause and my friend Angie stood up and sang "Quiet"

In another part of my dream I was back at home and my sisters and I were packing for a backpack trip and there were 2 tarantula sized spiders, but I could only kill one.
Last night was one of those fun, fun nights where I woke up at a bit before 5 to go to the bathroom. I fell asleep at some point after that, but spent the entire night dreaming I couldn't get back to sleep. At some point I was out to dinner and feeling pretty fine in a suit and tie when someone at the next table mocked me because my shoes were odd (they had a "saddle shoe"/spat kind of effect of a kind of emerald green upper with the toe and heel being black) and a few other things that I chalked up to getting dressed in dim light and not noticing until it was too late. Anyway, since the guy was wearing a white tailcoat and top hat with a powder blue shirt and lace gloves I pointed out that he was the last person who should be mocking someone's fashion sense. Then I wound up spending the night at wherever the dinner was before remembering I had to get home because I had a cat and dog that were waiting for me.

There were other adventures before my alarm clock pulled me from the last one and I was genuinely surprised to realize that I'd been asleep and that I was in my bed at home.
I was watching a news story of a lady who got stabbed or beat up or both and then suddenly I somehow was transported to the scene of the crime-and I was in the UK. I walked in to a (diner?) and there was a (cop?) who had been there and I was asking him questions about it.
Then I ordered my food
found a table
and sat down
and then there were 2 guys walking over to talk to me and then a bunch of guys
and then I woke up
Fairly boring one this morning, likely aided by it being trash day so from 6am on The Dog was barking insanely every 2 minutes or so: We're in a neighborhood and a yappy little dog is barking. It eventually gets so bad that I start walking around, trying to find out where it's coming from. Besides, I have some rentals on that block and none of them are supposed to have pets so I want to make sure it isn't one of my houses. While I'm walking around, my aunt* joins me because she heard the dog too. We eventually find a big messy house that is full of dogs [oh crap, this isn't boring! I just remembered that it gets pretty trippy] and a handful of slovenly women. Since it isn't my house it really isn't my problem. But one of the dogs is interested in me. He's a good sized but somewhat goofy-looking dog who acts threatening but is really friendly. I'm...considering adopting him?...and I realize he has a "grille" instead of dog teeth. For some reason this ruins the idea--and not just for me, the dog says "Aw, hell no!" and walks off, disgusted. Is it a midget in a dog suilt? I dunno. Probably just a dream dog.

*Since my favorite aunt has been dead for around 15 years and lived in Minnesota, the dog must've been barking pretty loud. And that was an interesting aspect of the dream: It wasn't like I didn't remember my Aunt was dead like in other dreams, it was more like "Oh, hey, good to see you. We haven't talked since that time I visited you in hospice." It was kind of nice. I'd always kind of hoped dead friends and relatives would visit me in glowing Jedi robes, but coming to me dressed normally in dreams will do.
Good, short, cohesive and completely atypical dream last night. This one was actually just before the 6am wake up to use the bathroom instead of just before getting up. And I think I was one of the characters in it (instead of just a 3rd person "camera" view), but I wasn't me, I was a character if I was in it.

There were these two tween-ish kids in this undefined Muslim/Middle East country. But at least one of them was actually white (and possibly a girl?). Anyway, they were successfully pretending to be good Muslim kids but were actually working against the people in charge. So the people in charge wanted this guy (and maybe his family?) killed and he was out eating in a restaurant with his...daughter? So the kids run report that they've got a chance to kill him and make a big production of wanting to get their hands on knives and such. The Bad Guys decide to let them and even give them a shotgun to hide under their robes. Well the kids use the opportunity to spirit the guy out of the country to safety.

I think it was inspired by the Salman Rushdie stabbing along with finding a quote from Rudyard Kipling's Indian street urchin spy novel, "Kim" that I found while cleaning my desk that day. Production was basically "Raiders of the Lost Ark," as far as costuming, sets, cinematography, etc.

And I think I woke up because my conscious brain started thinking about things like "they'll have to go with the clothes on their backs and whatever cash is in their pockets" and moving on to things like "what resources do street urchins have to get someone to an airport and on a plane? I hope the guy they're rescuing has a car and plenty of money."
I had a dream BDM and Pom Klementieff came to my old house on Christmas Day.

I don't know who that is-but I did the "OMG WOW" face because you had BDM in your dream.

I dreamt about a post office in a far off remote place
and I dreamt that my boss sent me an email saying they were going to let me 6 months.
I was on the field opposite where I used to live, there was a big puddle that was steaming when I looked closer it started to bulge outwards and I knew it was magma trying to breach the surface, I ran as fast as I could, by the time I was half a mile away I looked back and the field had bulged up into the sky in a classic volcano shape, I kept running and I heard it explode behind me, I was not hit by anything but I assumed I was too close to it to survive, as I woke soon after.
First one was just boring...don't even know how to describe it. Some kind of training on storage media? "On this medium all the data has to be recorded in 2 places..." I think the rest of that dream was my brain trying to turn that line into something that made sense.

Next one was much more familiar. I went back to school. Only it was a military school. There was at least one person from my MBA program that was going to school at another university and at least one of my peers from the military--only I think it wasn't anyone I actually knew, just some anonymized person that I was supposed to have known from the old days. We had to stay in dorms with roommates and the dorms were not in the same part of town as where I took classes. In fact they had buildings all over town. One of the guys was looking at his schedule and saying there must be a mixup on where they had him housed, based on his classes and someone else said everyone had that. At this point I added that I thought it was intentional in order to see if we could manage our time effectively and be where we needed to be with the materials we needed (and improvise when we couldn't) I got grumbles and head nods for this observation. Oh, and in the dream world--and this is most of the time, now that I think about it--I dropped out of college at some point. I kept having to retake classes and it was clear that I was never going to graduate and that the degree wasn't going to get me anything anyway.

There is a definite theme to my dreams. The training/military dream is increasingly common.
I don't know who that is-but I did the "OMG WOW" face because you had BDM in your dream.

I dreamt about a post office in a far off remote place
and I dreamt that my boss sent me an email saying they were going to let me 6 months.

He looked like my brother in law in the dream, but I knew it was BDM because dreams. He had a special beer he wanted me to taste but I was unimpressed.
Another night of dreaming I couldn't get back to sleep--this time starting at 3:30. Had the other, slightly less common but still familiar, dream where I'm a temp at an office but they really don't have a job for me. At first I was like: "Look, I'm only here for the afternoon, just let me find something to do to kill the time. You'll waste more money and productivity stopping what you're doing while you find something for me to do." But then it turned out I was going to be there for 10 days and how I did depended on whether they'd have any more work for me. Before that I had a dream that me and a bunch of other people were going to a birthday party or something and we were all going to go in this convertible and stop off at...Wal*Mart?...on the way to buy presents. For some reason we again drove the car into the store and parked in the electronics department (although this didn't seem odd to me this time). I realized I had to take a dump so I was going to go find the bathroom before I bought my present, but then as I was leaving a couple guys started poking around in the car so I had to come over, confront them, and stay with the car until someone got back. When I got to the bathroom, none of the stalls had toilets in them. Then I noticed a door on the other side of the room with one of those unisex/family restroom icons on it. This is where things get strange. There were toilets, only they were weird stainless steel things that were like, the size of a cereal bowl and up on these kind of arm/pedestal assemblies. And the room was laid out more like a lab or a classroom with rows and rows of toilets and no stalls and like a screen or a board or something at the front. Once I got there I didn't have to go anymore and they were getting ready to start a lab trial so those of us who just needed a toilet literally had to piss or get off the pot.