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How strange. I was surpised this had a name. I didn't think I was experiencing anxiety right now, but there is a little.
It actually happens today-I laid down for a nap-and I heard what sounded like the cat banging around in the other room, but when I looked up the cat was on the bed with me-AND didn't even move or act like it heard anything.
I hope your anxiety goes away! or decreases (not sure it ever does go away sometimes)
I saw my mum, we were in a shopping centre, she seemed mad at me, we bumped into someone else who knew her, and she asked, didn't we go to her funeral? I replied sometimes they come back. I tried to catch up with her again but for an old woman she was surprisingly fast and she got away from me.

She's been mad at me a few times in dreams, maybe it's because I put her in a home.
Had an avengers dream, Tony and Steve were in space where Tony was fixing things, and leaving AI versions of himself to make sure everyone in space has their own iron man, Steve checked his watch which showed he only had a few hours of life left, which he was wasting talking to Tony.

Elsewhere Natasha and the winter soldier were in last vagas when they found a very sophisticated bomb, they called Bruce to help, but he was grumpy and busy and send them baby Groot to help.

He wasn't that helpful so they just threw the bomb far away.
I've mentioned having dream locations, last night I realized I have a dream repair. In my dreams I have a toilet that isn't bolted down properly so every time I touch it the whole thing falls apart and water starts running everywhere. Last night it happened again and I was like "how do I keep forgetting to fix this? Fuck it, I'm going to fix it right now." Then I didn't have the right tools and kept getting sidetracked and I can't remember if I ever got around to fixing it. Then around that time a gang of criminally insane people (a little like Alex' gang in "Clockwork Orange") came in and just started shooting anyone they saw. I kind of wanted to do something but I also didn't want to get shot. Shit, I had a lot of stuff and I thought I'd forget it all. But I actually remembered most of it when I woke up. Only I didn't write it down, so now this is all I remember.
I don't want to mention what happened last night as it was quite unsettling. I had a dream, woke up from it and then had a hallucination while I was awake that a very large creature (fuzzy spider-size of a squirrel) was crawling across my ceiling.
I knew it was a hallucination, but I kept my eye on it as I found the light and then it went away and then I turned the light of briefly to see if it would re-appear. It didn't.
Then I looked up hallucinations thinking it was perfectly normal-and nope, its not. So whatever.
But last night I drank some moon brew before going to bed and maybe that was it.
So I'm totally going to drink some tonight also because I like to fucking torture myself.

Also I had a dream where I think my grandmother was in it and relatives and they were visiting and then there was this long bike ride or traveling-in a place that I have been to quite often in my dreams. It is a pleasant place and it was a pleasant enough dream. The dream was before the crawling thing.
I was on a luxury yacht, every room was crammed full of Lego, I was stressed as we were expecting visitors and it was very untidy.
Most memorable (but annoying) dream last night, I had to take a test but then it was cancelled but somehow I hadn't returned the test. So I folded it up and put it somewhere while I went somewhere in the car with my parents. Later I got back to the classroom and the test had already started. There was some kind of alternate proctor for the test and they didn't have one for me since I'd taken it with me. They gave me a hard time about it at first and then acted like they were going to finally give me my test but instead gave me an old, graded test from when I was a freshman or sophomore or something. I keep trying to get a test and they keep giving me old tests or answering questions for people who are taking the test or even accepting gifts from the people who are taking the test. Eventually I mention to someone that there's less than 10 minutes left for a 1 hour test and I don't even have a test yet and the proctor guy looks at me and just kind of smiles like a dick before continuing to ignore me.
Dreamt about my deceased ex lover last night

It was weird, its always weird and its almost always the same thing
He is flirting with some other chick as he often did and I wake up mad
Hallucinating when you wake up is called hypnopompic hallucinations and is usually normal and harmless. They can feel like an extension of a dream

To reduce the occurrence of hypnopompic hallucinations, you can try:
    • Improving your sleep hygiene
    • Sleeping in a cool environment
    *What the heck is sleep hygiene?
I dreamt that a bunch of us were temporarily evacuated and so we had to have this meeting and make decisions.
No conclusion was happening, there was a lull, we took a break
And then when we came back people were still annoyed and one guy said something about violence and then got up to leave and then I said,"I don't even know what that means" and then he said, " well congratulations" or "congratulate yourself"
And I said, " I will congratulate myself "
Then everybody laughed.

Also in the dream was a couple of people trying to fix a table leg with feathers, they happened to be Native Americans
And then a white guy said it was disrespectful to use feathers that way and then the Native American said, "Even an eagle gets run over by a deer occasionally"

What the heck lol
There was more, but I won't go on about it. Those were the best parts
I just realized I have a new recurring dream--remembering a dream I'd forgotten while within a dream.

So last night...last night I had a bunch of little disjointed snippet dreams. One was a 1950s/1960s Western. One of the characters looked a lot like Jerry Reed. The action isn't entirely clear, one gunfighter got the drop on the other one but then the the second one stepped on the gun. But then, somehow he pushed the muzzle of his revolver up against the other one and it had a larger bore and slid over the first guy's gun. He pulled the trigger but nothing happened, except when he pulled his gun away the front few inches of his barrel were left behind. That's all.

But the relevant dream was like, a country club. And it wasn't specifically a wedding, but a gaggle of nicely dressed moderately pretty girls were gathered around a table with a 7 year old boy in a suit--a bit like members of a wedding party--and the kid was saying cute kid things and they were fawning over them. It was out by the parking lot and they were admiring the fancy cars going past. My car isn't particularly fancy but I figured I'd see if I could impress any of them, so I walked back to where I parked and couldn't find my car. At this point the parking lot turned into a parking ramp and I wondered if I'd parked on a different level but no, I was sure I hadn't gone up or down as I walked to the front door. My car was definitely missing.

At this point I remembered a previous time (in a dream) where my car was stolen. Luckily one of my friends from the Marines was nearby so we got in his car to drive around and look for it and I remembered I had an app on my phone that let me track my car so we went and found it and...the cops caught the thief?...I forget. At any rate, I remembered I had an app on my phone to track my car and I woke up enough to realize I was laying in bed with my phone in my hand. Then I woke up enough to realize my phone was on the dresser where it belonged and I'd only dreamed that I'd woke up enough to grab my phone. At that point I realized my car had NEVER been stolen and went back to sleep as well as I could with a 71# dog and a 16# cat hogging the bed.
I'm not sure if I dreamt about a 1/2 naked guy in my house or if it was a video I was watching before I fell asleep.
I had a mafia dream last night.

All it took was one comment in the day about the Mafia and that is what I dreamt about.
I don't know if it's even worth mentioning the (para)military BS dreams anymore. Started with a group run. Was supposed to go out and explore but just wound up staying inside a big (mall-size) complex. Then later we all moved into tent/shacks for training. First day involved assembling a Jeep motor and maybe carrying it somewhere. But it actually had to be assembled properly and work. At the end of the day fines were handed out. The shack I was in hadn't been built to code so they were fining me for sleeping in it. I said I wouldn't pay and I'd just pack up and spend the rest of the training/camp in town but they pointed out it was for 5 weeks so I said "fine, then I'm going to destroy $40 worth of Boy Scout property." Overall the dream was much more military than Boy Scout but I specifically remember the fine being from the Boy Scouts. Oh, and the scenario was very Southwest--desert-y.
Dreamt about my car being in a shop, imagine that.
And also dreamt about hanging out with this person and we were driving around to different restaurants.
I don't remember any details of last night's dreams. Just that they were short and completely disjointed. Like..."The Benny Hill Show"(?) where there's just a quick little skit and after the punchline it just cuts to a completely unrelated little skit.
Disturbing dream
Family member
We were at a college campus
My father came on to a young man in the pool asking him to carry on that happened in the locker room.
Then somehow I am carrying around his phalus in a bag
I can't find him
So I am just wandering around this campus full of strangers
Analyze that.

The show I was watching had a pool scene. So that part makes sense.
I was training on a ship
And then we had enemies
So I had to take a smaller boat out on my own
Then I had to fire at the enemies, but when I did it was an airplane and it was like I was in an airplane too. The middle got them, then I fired quick bursts for good measure.
Then we were back on the boats and the enemies were swimming only they weren't enemies suddenly and we were glad to rescue them