Zombie Hunter
OK. Kinda busy these days but part of last night's dream cannot be skipped: I have to take a test. For some reason people taking the test are grouped at round coffee tables of a library/student lounge type space. There is one or more laptops to take the test on (it changes during the dream and the laptop never actually gets used). And before we can take the test we have to read this crossover comic book Wolverine is in. It's an iconic comic I've seen dozens of times but never actually done more than page through it. That said, somehow everyone else in the group finishes it quickly and is stuck waiting for me and not only have I not finished it, I periodically realize I've somehow skipped over a bunch of pages and need to figure out what I read last and read the rest. Everyone's getting cranky. I go to the bathroom and when I get back my comic is missing. Now everyone's really pissed and I wind up grabbing my oldest best friend by the throat over something he said to me. I stomp off to keep looking and a bunch of other people from high school are grouped around a big conference room table like you'd see at a gaming convention with boxes and boxes of comic books and one of the people who was OK but kind of a dick admits they swiped my comic book as a prank and give it back when I ask. But I'm suspicious so I go through the bundle of stuff they hand me. There's one comic book that isn't the one I need and a bunch of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle posters that are glued onto cardboard sheets and cut to make kind of "stand-ee's". I point out that the comic book isn't there and it turns out different groups got different comic books. Eventually I give up and decide we need to just wing this test so my friend (that I choked and is pissed at me) tells us to roll dice. Then he gets mad because I use one of my own dice instead of the ones he has. He starts picking dice out of the shoebox we're for some reason rolling them in along with a bunch of those rubbery eraser topper things. That's about where the dream ended.