

The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I propose a moratorium on the karma glitch, because something is slowing down the board all of a sudden, and if it's that it really sucks.

I did it a little earlier, and it's pretty easy (considering I developed the technique to begin with :D )

But um, the board is suddenly slow and there's an interesting flare of anger from Caco about it, so I'm sufficiently prepared to point out that there's a possibility that these actions are slowing down the server.

I don't KNOW if that's true or not, but both are happening currently.


* * Filthy European * *
Staff member
hes holding his position with a karma cannon LMAO


lkjewro23piqjur2oijkslfaw e
But um, the board is suddenly slow and there's an interesting flare of anger from Caco about it, so I'm sufficiently prepared to point out that there's a possibility that these actions are slowing down the server.

Lol, I'm not angry. I just remember the huge shit storm that came about the first time.

I'm actually curious to see if anything's going to be done about it this time, so by all means, continue.