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Dunkin Stix Ain't What They Used To Be

jack said:
So when you sink to Jewisms, that means I'm getting under your skin? You know if you replace the batteries, the vagina vibrates nicely again on that model, I understand.

No, don't misinterpret me. I love Jews...I think they just might be our future source of material for couches, lampshades, bookcovers, etc.
jack said:
Yeah lets see, two people dont remember, the rest have never had them.

Need a band aid for that blowup doll bubbaleh? Go get your blood sugar tested, idiot. :bigass:

No offense jack but I've seen CU and I've seen you. CU needn't worry about his blood sugar you on the other hand...

Love ya, but I gots to defend the dog.
CoyoteUgly said:
They really used to be good...crumbled in your mouth...had a rich sugary taste. Oh, and they went well with coffee, hence the name.

But this shit Little Debbie is putting out these can barely taste the sugar. Are they making health decisions for me now?

You begin a thread about food? NO doubt this is all you think about on a daily basis. Ever hear of Jenny Craig? I suggest you visit your nearest location and do something about that abhorrent girth of yours.
SilentBtViolent said:
Next time wonder when the boobies show up, por favor.

Dear child, the only 'boobies' you have ever seen belong to mommy and that was when you were an infant. As for the 'Spic, please refrain from speaking that inferior language of an inferior people. I am British-Canadian after all. Enough said.
Three queebs are sitting in a hot tub. A LARGE glob of cum floates to the surface. One looks at the other two and says, "Who farted, eh"?