eBay is Evil

Sniper Kitty

Sinless and Purrfect
eBay is Evil

All the crap I thought I didn't need is right there at the click of a mouse.

I'll been an Amazon user for years, but I only order books through them.


Teh wife is quite the ebay queen. I agree ebay is evil and requires a master to tame it.


Factional Warfare
EBay is no fun now that you can't pull scams like selling the xbox360 BOX ONLY for 200 bucks and find some idiot who will still buy it cause he wasn't paying attention.

Sniper Kitty

Sinless and Purrfect
I wouldn't scam anyone. There's been a few times I've gotten things without merchandise conformation or tracking numbers. I could've easily lied and said I never received the product. That would get me a full refund. I won't do anything like that.


Factional Warfare
I've never scammed anyone on ebay. I just always thought it was funny when people did successfully.

Stupid people and money are easily parted and all that.


Factional Warfare
Well the famous one was to sell the Xbox 360 box for 200 dollars.

Now here's the thing: The auction in three different places lets you know it's JUST THE BOX.

If someone is still stupid enough to lack the ability to do something like READ, then it's fucking hilarious to me.

Another pretty famous one was a guy selling the keys to a 1966 GTO. That's right, just the keys. Because the GTO was hopelessly wrapped around a telephone pole. Again, if you bothered to read the fucking auction, HE TOLD LOOKERS THIS WAS THE CASE. All you had to do was scroll down and fucking read. He got something like 18,000 dollars for JUST THE KEYS.

If people are literally that stupid, then they didn't need that money anyway.

Ebay reversed that one though.