Eggs, how's the new ballpark lookin'??

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Are you excited to leave Shea behind? I know when the Phils opened Citizens Bank Park in 2004, I was at the first ever event. Yes, I paid good money to watch a spring training game between the Phillies and the Cleveland Indians. Still have the shirt proclaiming it as the inagural event.

So, did you get tix to any games yet? I must admit, since moving to the West Coast I'm out of touch with the Mets' new park, as well as the new Yankee Stadium.

And yes, I could have done this via PM, but WHO CARES.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I'm excited! Shea was home since my childhood, but it always was one butt-ugly ballpark. Citi Field looks sweet!

I don't have Mets tickets yet; the home opener was sold out before they installed the first seat. Also, they have a massive season-ticket base, like 25,000 seats per game. So I'm going to wait till the season gets going before taking the 7 train. Also, I want to give them time to shake the bugs out of the place, and make sure all the fryers get broken in, so the knish taste right.

Oh yeah, I keep forgetting there's a new Yankee Stadium as well. I'm indifferent on that front.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
The Yankees are opening thier new ballpark at the absolute worst time in history to do so. As with most things NYY, it is a paragon to excess, and has ticket & amenity prices to match. I have heard they are having a hell of a time selling out the luxury boxes. I mean, come on, the people that used to have the most disposable income in NY are either out of work (seeya Lehman Bros., Bear Stearns, etc.) or thier portfolios have lost 60%-80% of their top value.

Of course, the average fan will get the screwgie. I heard that seats behind home plate will go for like $2,500 per game. Also, season tickets have been ridiculously inflated. They're having a hard time selling as many season tix as they have in the past. Add to all of the above the fact that they haven't been able to buy a World Series since 200, and you have a recipie for disaster.

All of which, I am LOVING. I can't wait to see highlights on SportsCenter of the Yankees playing to a half-empty ballpark. :lol:

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
The Yankees are opening thier new ballpark at the absolute worst time in history to do so. As with most things NYY, it is a paragon to excess, and has ticket & amenity prices to match. I have heard they are having a hell of a time selling out the luxury boxes. I mean, come on, the people that used to have the most disposable income in NY are either out of work (seeya Lehman Bros., Bear Stearns, etc.) or thier portfolios have lost 60%-80% of their top value.

Of course, the average fan will get the screwgie. I heard that seats behind home plate will go for like $2,500 per game. Also, season tickets have been ridiculously inflated. They're having a hard time selling as many season tix as they have in the past. Add to all of the above the fact that they haven't been able to buy a World Series since 200, and you have a recipie for disaster.

All of which, I am LOVING. I can't wait to see highlights on SportsCenter of the Yankees playing to a half-empty ballpark. :lol:
Yay! I revel in their misery! (Although I shouldn't too much, because ultimately it's going to come out of my pocket with all the financing the city gave them)

The Mets seem to have the opposite problem (at least before the latest economic crashes): Ticket sales are okay, and they are opening up advance seats to games in April and May now to keep them brisk. They are 10% above their season/subscription sales last year, and this is for a new stadium that actually has 12,000 FEWER seats than Shea did, only 42,000! (I don't know what they were thinking there). They are not going to have a problem selling out most games.