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Eggsy, the QOTW

Two things: first, the QOTW is freaking awesome, whoever said it is a goddamn genius and the minefielders would recognize this if they ever came out of their hobbit hole.

Second, Gear to accuse me of being an FBI Parte Due sock in 3...2...
I just went to the Wayback machine, and it might have been this:

Humans have been retards for a long time now.
The problem is that we're now retards who don't know how to be quiet about it.
-FBI parte due
Hence Ilysaying it's by Donovan and not FBI...but this was from February 8th so it might have been the one after this.
Or it might have been

The Internet, where any moron can say the first thing that comes into his head and defend it to his last dying breath.
But that's only if the quote stayed up for about a year.
Yeah, my QOTW is still "Warning: fetch_template() calls should be replaced by the vB_Template class. Template name: forumhome_cel_social_groups in [path]/includes/functions.php on line 4591"