Grand Wizard of TK
Shame the best you got is fucking with my avatar
How’d he manage that?
Shame the best you got is fucking with my avatar
YeahSoWhat said:Isn't it pathetic to watch you attempt to turn another verbal beating into a trolling triumph?
YeahSoWhat said:And you STILL haven't managed 20 words to explain why you ain't the whiney, bitch that you are. Now if complete paragraphs are threating to ya I'll try to keep in simpler...How about this? FUCK OFF ASSHOLE? Is that simple enough for ya. Shame the best you got is fucking with my avatar because you ain't man enough to do anything else. What a pathetic pussy.
How’d he manage that?
YeahSoWhat said:I dunno I haven't messed much with the User Control panel so I don't even know where you''d put something in above your Avatar. I know when I look at signature and avatar edits it's not there *shrugs* So someone's fucking with it.
Utahraptor : Your sheet is showing, you redneck fuckwit
DarthSikle said:I'm black you moron
Define trolling.
Oh I did that.
Ahhhh....So that's the game eh? What's Darth your little brother I mean? Making up for leaving his ass hanging in the breeze over at the other forum. Gee you're a great guy! The "limp dick" line is actually pretty damned funny in a fuckwit sorta way. Hard to be insulted by it though, given that you got the wrong gender insult going sporto!![]()
You're just like chinky food that way.
YeahSoWhat said:From what I'm seeing, it's defined as whining petulantly and consistantly.:wah!:
Ahhhh....So that's the game eh? What's Darth your little brother I mean? Making up for leaving his ass hanging in the breeze over at the other forum. Gee you're a great guy! The "limp dick" line is actually pretty damned funny in a fuckwit sorta way. Hard to be insulted by it though, given that you got the wrong gender insult going sporto!![]()
you're the one who follows my threads all day typing up paragraph after paragraph. Wow, if this was the 1840's you'd be a nigger and pwned.
Utahraptor said:Oh, a quisling fuckwit!
YeahSoWhat said:From what I'm seeing, it's defined as whining petulantly and consistantly.:wah!:
you do have a point, let me remove the gun I am holding to your head that makes you come to TK and read this forum
Define trolling