Troll Kingdom

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Lord Raffles said:
eloisel is so old.​
Baby cakes, no matter how much you follow me around, yapping at my heels, begging for my attention, you still aren't my type. Go play with RWC - he at least has a crush on you.
eloisel said:
Hey, sugar. I've missed you. Glad you're back. What have you been doing?

I'ts been good. I got diagnosed as an "unaware hyperglycemic" so I have a new toy to play with, a blood sugar monitor. This stuff is fun though, I figured it out in a couple of weeks and havent run over 150 in 2 months. I eat better than I ever have before, and I've dropped 50 lbs since last Thanksgiving. I feel terrific.

Work has been fantastic. Management finally figured it out, as suddenly the workplace is less obsessed with meetings and more intent on action. The zoning for our majestic expansion is almost improved. It's a fun place to be these days.

btw, just to settle all the horseshit, the "broken wrist" shit that materialised over here about me being in an accident was a troll while I was posting with a shared Donovan sock at Comicon.

Other than that I'm lean and mean. How's my favorite female on the board?
a lot of people here were genuinely concerned for you.

guess you didn't get that 250,000 payout then :)
Watching Hellman flop about like a beached carp was worth more than that.

...."how do you wipe your ass?" LOL
I can't help the gossipy rumour mill, and the Hampster fixed it so I couldn't even lurk unless I had a good proxy, so I'm sorry.
jack said:
Watching Hellman flop about like a beached carp was worth more than that.

...."how do you wipe your ass?" LOL

the question remains....if you did break both your wrists, how WOULD you wipe your ass. it's one of life's mystereis
jack said:
I can't help the gossipy rumour mill, and the Hampster fixed it so I couldn't even lurk unless I had a good proxy, so I'm sorry.

don't worry, the hampster shouldn't bother you any more.... :)

I'd remove Hellmans shiny, bald, cue-ball like pate (with a loud sucking sound) by flexing the sphincter just right...and the projectile ejection would wipe it all shiny and clean like.
VKD said:
don't worry, the hampster shouldn't bother you any more.... :)


Yes I see that. I also see Cait finally bit the dust too.

These are good things.
VKD said:
I tried to reg at comicon but it wouldn't let me use yahoo/hotmail accounts

I can make an msn account for you, but then you'll be my slave forever.