
The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
jack said:
Maybe he'll reply that my Daddy fucked me in the ass when I was a kid and that's why I'm acting like this, like he's been saying since Veitch told him that was the way to "get to me", lo these many many years ago.

I think fucking one's dead wife so hard that blood pools in the corners of her mouth from the force is response enough to a despicable troll like that, n'est ce pas?

He went Necro for her?


The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
Originally posted by King of Wisdom:
I'm pretty sure Figaro is Jack

Prove it, "Cory".


Have I been PWNED?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
That's hardly likely. Not a cannibal, retard or pedophile am I.

The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
jack said:
That's hardly likely. Not a cannibal, retard or pedophile am I.

His sickness truly knows no limits, you know over at commie he's REALLY "inta" me. I don't think he's playing anymore.....

But after what you told me i don't think I'll be inviting him over after all. It sounds like it could get....unsanitary, not to mention illegal!


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I just don't understand why he hugs retards?

What's up with that?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom

The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
lemony snickets as well?
