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She's a contortionist, small tits come with the job...messa like.

And all this time I was wondering why all the fuss about this Emilia girl. She's a contortionist?

I will be calling in a vote for TOYAGE (retarded) all the way from the Aegean to keep Emilia in.
John(dressed as Emilia, talking to Emilia dressed as John): Are you that Anne Robinson woman?
Emilia(dressed as John, in terrible scottish accent): No, I'm Shrek.

Victor's sister. Cricus performer. Looked pretty fucking talented! Will probably be a bitch, but I don't care. I loved the way she just strutted by the crowd without even looking at them. LOL. Looks a bit like Summer Glau!? Won't win.

Oh yeah...


I only thought she'd be a bitch because I liked her and the BB girls I like at the start usually turn out to be a bitch. Or racist. In fact she wasn't a bitch at all, just an unguarded, feiry, strong young woman and it was absolutely RIDICULOUS (to quote Jeremy!) the way BB tried to edit her into the bitch role by making a big deal out of one mild comment about Latoya which would have been ignored if it came from anyone else (Charley said more bitchy stuff in an hour than Emilia did in her whole stay). What was worse was how the spin-off shows pandered to the hateful chavs by going along with the "bitch" stereotype. O'Learly said NOTHING positive about her all series while showing a shameless bias towards John. RIDICULOUS.

She did speak bluntly at times, and could have put some things better, but she's a lovely girl. Obviously not BB savvy at all, she didn't care how she'd look and was unafraid to be herself. Loved her interactions with Jeremy, of course, but even without that she was always watchable (OKAY HER SKIMPY CLOTHES ADDED TO THAT LOL) and funny, with plenty of great one-liners. Amazing screen presence too, she should get tv work or something! And she got stuck in some cardboard!

My favourite housemate since Victor BB5 and the fittest BB girl ever. Should have won.
She did have an edge to her at times. More than anything that she said she did giggle a few times when something nasty was said by someone else about a HM. Though I never got the impression that she was a bitch despite the highlights almost forcing the viewer to believe so. I also never saw her being particularly caring or conscientious of anyone else's feelings besides Victors. But so what? Nobody is perfect. (except her body)

OK, that's the criticism. She really was very cute. And I mean VERY cute. If she hadn't been I'm certain I wouldn't have been charmed by her personality as much as I was. But I was because I'm a shallow bastard. SO THERE.

No, I really did like her and she was a great housemate. Her relationship with Jeremy was both interesting and fun to root for. They really are polar opposites in so many ways it almost has to work due to that.

She was REALLY hot as well. Did I mention that?

White bikini. YES.

Should of won.
I'll add that everyone in the house was as capable of being bitchy in their own ways so I don't see why that had to become the focus with Emilia and nobody else.
She was quite caring towards Jeremy and Amy too at times (don't remember if it's live feed or highlights) and also after Calista is evicted she sticks up for her to Anthony when he's being a knob. It's worth remebmering too that she has a totally different background to any of the others with the travelling and everything and I remember early on thinking she wasn't very good at social interactions (though she got better.) BUT OKAY, I'LL ACCEPT THAT SHE WASN'T PERFECT.

Watch out for her stuck in the cardboard!
I'll add that everyone in the house was as capable of being bitchy in their own ways so I don't see why that had to become the focus with Emilia and nobody else.

As I said, pandering to the jealous girls who decided she was a bitch the minute they saw her.
Oh yeah, ANOTHEr example of her caring which I must post since I keep all these things in my head and once a thought occurs to me it must be EXPRESSED is that her and Amy (and sometimes Jeremy I think) were the only ones to do any washing up in there...she made the house livable, gave the other lazy ungrateful bastards stuff to eat off of! There was one point (night of the Victor/Toya argument actually) where she said she was going to go on strike and was wathcing the others eating and drinking straight from the containers because they didn't want to do washing up and always left it for her to do (and Liam said "they're like animals!" in a really funny way at this.) So yeah...I'm fucking obsessed.
Totally random bumpage for the hottest girl in BB history.

Remember when Liam would come and sit next to her in his stupid hat and they'd just sit there awkwardly lol.