Emily thrown out


Boobie inspector
Emily removed from Big Brother

Emily is a drama student from Bristol
Emily Parr has been removed from the Big Brother house for using a racially offensive word to another housemate.
The 19-year-old from Bristol was taken out of the compound at 0330 BST and was forbidden from having any further contact with the 11 other contestants.

This week's eviction vote has been cancelled - Emily was nominated along with Shabnam Paryani.

A spokeswoman for Channel 4 said that the decision had been taken because "such behaviour won't be tolerated".

ha ha


Staff member
Yeah, she called Charley a cupcakeer.

Although the context of the event seems to have been light hearted C4 are not going to take chances again given Celeb Big Brother and the ass kicking they got from Ofcom.

From the self proclaimed "smartest" housemate this is possibly the most dense thing she could of done.

I never liked the stuck-up bint to begin with. Her attitude in many ways annoyed me more than the OTT antics of Charley.



I want to smell dark matter
I sure know how to pick 'em!
Well I didn't believe her at first. But I do now believe that she has the highest IQ in the house. Did you see how she tricked Ziggy, the supposedly smart and debonair young music mogul? He never knew what hit him. And he spent most of the rest of the day and evening moping about it.


I want to smell dark matter
I still like her.