it seems cleir to omar taht funkist tyrant will nevir willingliy surrendir .
omar call on all goud peopel of badistan to ries up agaynst imperialist oppressors . as lawful sovereign of badistan , omar call for levies of infantriy to crush kabal of funk .
who will be omar marshal of war ??
-emir omar
Not always. If you recall, the ancient Celts were feared partly because they went batshit crazy in battle. Due mostly to hallucinogens contained in their battle paint.
I don't think he was alive back then.
Ya think?
^Ha. Those poor soldier guys who were given LSD back in one of those wars (vietnam?) will be glad to hear that
I'm going to force feed you bacon sandwiches, and beat you to death with my slipper.
Goddamnit, I see I created a monster when I showed Dirk Funk all those memes and now I've created a fucking monster! That's it I change my allegiance! Allah Ackbar and all that shit!
I refuse to post in this thread.
Why do I get the feeling Dirk's talking to himself?
Why do I get the feeling Dirk's talking to himself?
Classic_Forever actually isn't one of my duals. He's a friend of mine I talked into joining our little insane asylum.