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Enough with the killer bobsled track already


If you build a track that has a record number of crashes, kills one man, and scares another so bad he won't go down it again and his 4 man team has to withdraw from the Olympics, you've fucked something up. Stop saying "It's not the track."

It's the track. These are the best athletes in the WORLD. Let's not let our Romanesque desires turn the Winter Olympics into a blood sport. I think I'm just gonna stop watching. They lost me, and I hope they lose a lot of other viewers and get a clear message, but I doubt it.
There is a video of the athletes discussing in an interview that this course is way too fast a day before that guy died on it.
Best. Olympics. Ever.

Man, if I think there might be a horrible messy crash, I'm totally watching. It's better than NASCAR!
"Hey, I was thinking, let's go up to the mountains, and we'll build this long...chute-tunnel thingy, with a super steep downgrade, and gnarly banked turns that would make NASCAR guys crap their pants. Then, we can get a few of our friends to build a fiberglass sled in the shape of a rocket ship, and we'll put blades on it like 10-feet long. Then we'll get up a good head of steam, jump in the sled, and slide down the chute at 90 miles per hour!!"

"Dude...I dunno...isn't that a little dangerous?"

"Nah! What could possibly go wrong??"
You forgot to add, lets not let anyone else practice on it, that should make things interesting