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Enough with the killer bobsled track already

it's a way of narrowing the field, whisky!


*don't be alarmed.
curiousa2z will revert to her "normal" (relatively) self after the Olympics finish*
There is in nearly every sport an inherent risk of injury or death. If somebody dies that's pretty much what they signed on for. hell, even pop warner football carries risk. You start softening all the sharp edges just because some guy bit the big one you might as well start putting giant pillows at every skydiving field, oversized foam pads on football players etc...

Dude died. Sucks for him, but nobody asked him to climb on board the sled.
Dude died. Sucks for him, but nobody asked him to climb on board the sled.
Sure, but there were complaints about the track and if I am not mistaken he was concerned as well. I'm betting somebody is gonna get sued successfully for this one. I don't have a lot of pity for him, but the track designers fucked up.
Sure, but there were complaints about the track and if I am not mistaken he was concerned as well. I'm betting somebody is gonna get sued successfully for this one. I don't have a lot of pity for him, but the track designers fucked up.

Seriously doubt it. The athletes probably signed about a yellow pages book full of waivers before being allowed to participate in the games. These kinds of shows don't leave themselves open to personal injury lawsuit, and the IOC has probably a decent set of lawyers. Sued? Maybe. Successfully? Highly doubtful.

it was tragic, absolutely.
but he was hardly the first one ever to use that track. And the Georgians trained there for a MONTH before the games started. His own frickin uncle was his coach - funny how the guy had no objections to the team practicing before his nephew crashed.
The boy who died was ranked 44th in the world. I blame his coach for allowing someone who just wasnt that good on the luge to enter an Olympic competition. He just wasn't ready.
he's 44th best in the world.

No shit? REALLY? I mean I didn't know that, srsly! I thought he was 44th best in Canada or maybe Alaska! OR JAMAICA. I mean we're talking about the Olympics here, so I have no idea why they'd be ranking them against the WORLD.
H.E. said:
he's 44th best in the world.

Actually, out of the World Cup standings.

And he was a luge competitor, not a bobsledder.

Clearly, this is important to you even though you couldn't tell the difference.
The mashup someone posted of his body flying into the WTC made me LOL.

I'm a horrible, horrible person.
