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EW's annual scorecard: which TV shows will be back next season?


(Glory Daze finished its season in January, so now I watch my Juliana be a smart, chipper lawyer on Tuesdays at 10).

You should catch the first season when you get a chance. It really builds up the relationships between the characters. The Good Wife isn't so much about the cases they take, like some other good law shows, it's more about the characters and how they interact. I loved the ep that was on last night, cuz it really showed the core characters finally working together again after several misunderstandings and manipulations had driven them apart.
I still don't get the fuss over Modern Family.
Honestly neither do I, but then I don't totally get Community either. Neither show has a strong premise, so each week is hit or miss for me. But I really don't get how Modern Family is suddenly worthy of every TV award out there.
But Eggs, the gheys feature prominently on Modern Family. Aren't you shunned by your community if you don't fall down on your knees and praise it to the heavens?

Eh, I like Modern Family a lot. Tons of LOL moments each episode.
I think it's shit and you have no right saying The Mentalist (which I've only watched like twice, granted) is shit.
The Mentalist is a bit lightweight, but hey, everyone likes that from time to time. It's not a terrible terrible show, though. It's not CSI Miami.
I tried watching Modern Family last night, it seems like it might kind of funny but I DON'T KNOW. I was waiting for Mr Sunshine, which turned out pretty good CHANDLER BING.
Matthew Perry was pretty good in a few episodes of The West Wing.

I may have to check out Mr.Sunshine. Hopefully the will repeat the pilot when I'm actually free to watch it.
Mr. Sunshine has two things going for it: Matt Perry and Allison Janney. But the premise is kind of lame and the supporting cast needs tweaking. Hopefully the producers are meeting as we speak in order to make sure the talent is being showcased properly.

Oh, and HURLEY was on the first episode last night! :eek:lost
^dammit - I meant to check that out last night and totally forgot it was on among all the drek that flashed in front of my screen. Too bad about Lie To Me..Tim Roth is amazing...I'm torn about Human Target - the supporting male cast members are great, but the writing for the females often borders on inane....*sigh*

No mention of JUSTIFIED...where the hell are they on the TV land radar????
Best writing on American TV I've encountered in ages. Seriously. The casting is brilliant, the actors are directed perfectly. Smart straight men love this show too so I know it's not just me being enchanted by Tim Olyphant.
The season premiere was Wednesday, so maybe it doesn't count yet.

And it kicked ass. Hope to see more of Loretta.
I watched Mr. Sunshine again and paid more attention this time, and I liked it a lot more.

I also noticed the credits this time: Matt Perry is a co-creator/exec producer of the show and co-wrote the pilot. Also, Thomas Schlamme directed it, and is also an exec producer, and he worked with Allison Janney on the first 4 seasons of The West Wing, and also ran Sports Night with Aaron Sorkin.

So now I have to be a cheerleader for the show EVEN IF IT ENDS UP SUCKING lol.
I thought I was going to have to wait a millions years until Justified came out on Netflix, but apparently it will air in Canada on Feb.28 on Superchannel...which, now that I am on satellite, I can actually get. HUZZAH!