All I read was,
blah, blah, blah, I'm a dirty whore.
Here, in YOUR language:
My anal herpes are my greatest asset. Get it, asset? Yeah...I know. Other than that, I'm fairly worthless.
OWNED. Sweetie, my every account was IP-banned. Feel free to continue with your desperate lies. I was never 'unbanned'. The only way I could see Wordforge FINALLY was when my IP-address changed.
Yes Faceman got banned from Wordforge again. I guess he posted a PM from another poster to him.Does he try to get banned?
The only person you own is yourself. :lol:
All you do is reveal how ignorant you are of the workings of a BBS.
And I assure you, the fact all your duals were outed had little to do with IPs. And if you couldn't see WF after the ban it just means you were too fucking retarded to dump your cookies.
There has been one IP ban in the history of WF, and it ain't you, chewtoy.
You fucking retard.
Of course you can't log in now...your low-post accounts were deleted ages ago. You could have rejoined years ago if you had two brain cells to rub together.
A permanent ban has nothing to do with IP bans. You are so ignorant it is hilarious. Yes, facts are facts and you have zero idea what they are.
But please...please... scream your ignorant spew in giant yellow font one more time. I wouldn't want anyone to miss out on the entertainment of your 'Tard Tourette's.
Maybe Luci's duals were outed because NO ONE LIKES HIM?!?!
Just speculation.
That's part of it.
But most of them never got past me in the Admin panel. :lol:
They were incredibly obvious and there were several ways to out them.
He's also overlooking the huge fucking obvious hole in his lie.....if we IP banned him, then he could not have continued to try joining the site with multiple duals and still have been stopped with an IP ban.
Fucking idiot. :jayzus:
No, they were 'outted' by my IP address, which they FINALLY blocked. Yet, the silly cunt claims there was no IP ban. Odd, yes? She also claimed the bans were 'temporary', yet every account through which I attempted to enter before my IP was blocked resulted in a screen which read 'you are banned', and it included a date in which the ban was to end. Naturally, that date included the month of 'never'. Must be a new month I have not hear of yet. What more proof do you need that the crippled cunt is a liar?