Failed Pilots

Dr Dave

Many shows make it past the pilot stage (such as Cat Cleaners and The Cassie and Tisiphone Detective Team Adventures), but many shows do not make it past the pilot stage.

Here are a few shows that did not make the cut:

Johnny Goose: This show did get a pilot made. The show was about Johnny Goose, a goose fan and herder of geese. but problems arose when they brought in a test audience. When shown the pilot, and it's pro geese attitudes, the test audience violently vomited during the viewing.

Loktar & Friends: This show never even made it past the development stage. The issue over "Loktar's door" was never resolved. The producers wanted there to be an imaginary door that Loktar talked too on his journey to find a real door. However the network was against this as, as the CGI budget would have been more then they were willing to use. No resolution could be made and the project was abandoned.

The BDM Baseball Minute: This was to be a segment on NATIONAL NEWS PROGRAMS. BDM was to discuss baseball for a minute (the maximum anybody can really talk about it before being bored to death), however BDM could not be found to even tape the first segment.

Susie: TK chat's very own Susie was to get her own talk show. However problems arose. The studio brought in TOP LEVEL experts to help Susie, who was disturbingly incoherent and confusing. They tried to tape the pilot for a full month before abandoning the project.


Is this real life?
Loktar & Friends would've been a breath of imaginative air for tv. It's a pity it hinged on a large effects budget.


Boobie inspector
I reckon it might have gone four years, but then the 4th series would probably have been made in Canada for a fraction of the budget, with none of the original cast, and star Rocktar instead.


Pinata Whacker
I reckon it might have gone four years, but then the 4th series would probably have been made in Canada for a fraction of the budget, with none of the original cast, and star Rocktar instead.

And the premise changed to rocktar talking to an imaginary laughing smilie.

Dr Dave

Some others:

Power Point with Eggs: This show, set to be on public television failed to get past the pilot stage was to be an instructional series about the famous program Power Point. However difficulties between Eggs and the network when Eggs insisted he do his first episode on hot Latino delivery boys.

Gardening with Cassie: This show was expected to take off but there were problems. During the first week of filming she attempted to cut off the dong of the director. The network was able to smooth things over, but things fell apart the following week when Cassie went after the video photographers.

Dr Dave

Honey Badger Cleaners: Well, this was going to be a spin off of the famous show Cat Cleaners. The pilot was to be one of the season 3 Cat Cleaners episodes, but things went awry. The honey badgers and the cats got in a fight and "animal rights activists" got all ANGRY, and the spin off for now is off.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Some others:

Power Point with Eggs: This show, set to be on public television failed to get past the pilot stage was to be an instructional series about the famous program Power Point. However difficulties between Eggs and the network when Eggs insisted he do his first episode on hot Latino delivery boys.
There's also a casting shortage: More often these days, the food is being brought by the hot boys' fat uncles.

Dr Dave

Touched by a Penguin: A clear rip off of the CBS show Touched by Angel, this show was to follow penguins going around touching the lives of others. The show made it past the pilot to the test market stage, but was canned when there seemed to be an overwhelming hatred for penguins.


Pinata Whacker
Touched by a Penguin: A clear rip off of the CBS show Touched by Angel, this show was to follow penguins going around touching the lives of others. The show made it past the pilot to the test market stage, but was canned when there seemed to be an overwhelming hatred for penguins.

An irrational hatred for penguins. When/if I win the lottery I'm funding that show myself.


I want to smell dark matter
SCUM SHOW 28 - Scum Man walks around town randomly slapping people he doesn't like the look of. Every episode ends with the police arresting him and asking why. Scum Man's response: "I was drunk!" He doesn't actually drink.


Can I have Ops?
Blowing Hot and Cold: Jim and Jonathan compete for top dog in the world of air conditioning sales. Jim is a recovering alcoholic, and Jonathan has a nasty habit of turning the air conditioning up and looking at womens nipples. Jonathan shagged a transexual by accident in the pilot who he called "Pencil Eraser"

King of Vikings: HBO series about the power struggle between 3 Viking families all aiming for the ultimate crown. Amber Heard plays a rival Queen who enjoys rampant sex with Prince Svordalt almost every episode. Sean Bean appears briefly in a leather jerkin.


Boobie inspector
Rick Rolling Each week celebrities are pulled around london by Rick Astley in a rickshaw, followed by a trail of lit gunpowder.


I want to smell dark matter
Failed OD - Show based on Dual's "Failed OD" thread (see similar threads below.)


Boobie inspector
Moore or Les.

Roger Moore and Lester Pigot lead teams of celebrity paintballers, the winners get £1000 each, the loosers get shot in the balls.

Bonus points awarded if anyone takes off their goggles and says "Me eyes man, I canna see"

Dr Dave

Henoch and Sons: This show was to be about Henoch and his son, "Son of Henoch" (to be played by Sausageman) operating a gay junk yard. Issues arose in the pilot when Sausageman would get "too political", and Henoch would talk about cocks more then the network really wanted. All efforts to fix the pilot failed, and the project was abandoned.


I want to smell dark matter
Cassie Eating Bacon - Just Cassie eating bacon for an hour. Failed because they used CANADIAN bacon.

Dr Dave

Kick The Can: This sitcom about a team of can kickers from Chicago. The show failed because kicking a can is not considered a sport by post and the test audience just laughed at the whole thing.