Fake Susie
New member
Susie isn't it much better to post on the Mine Field than on Facebook?
Susie reply!
reply to my thread about ten seconds ago OKAY MOFO
Susie I'm so fucking depressed and well not even depressed just NOTHING really in my brain that I can't even post a thing of the day so I'll just talk to you and you're not even real.
talk about your psalms talk about your apples for dinner time babe
susie I have last reply in too many threads so I can't post much either
either I die or I change clothes for the party
Susie there is nothing
nothing but blue TrekBBS cunts
Susie fuck
fuck everything is broken
Susie what the fuck am I
what the hell is DR_DAVE DOESN'T LOVE say it Tomtrek say Michelle Trachtenberg