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Family Vacation

I was reminding myself not to swear around the kid, then I was reminding myself of other things as well. I mean its not like I cuss like a sailor, but srsly if I was one person to all I would not have to worry about my words etc etc.

I know what you mean. I don't cuss alot except when angry or excited. Its annoying when I drop some f-bombs around my mom and she talks to me like a little kid....."We don't use that word!"
I don't swear much IRL, but it's really funny when I say something around little kids and their eyes get big. Usually it's just something weird/funny, and not something VULGAR (as my mother would say).
My sister is being so needy.

Yeah my brother/roommate can be like that. Always worrying about me spending so much time alone and online. Sometimes it seems he does it to annoy me, but really its just because he cares about my well being.
Yes, sure absolutely, of course. A wanking. That sounds like a good idea. How many days can LC go w/out a wank before she goes crazy?! Can you guess?!

My other thoughts during this trip are on my mom, we used to hang out all the time during these events-and actually I was usually the one stuck "helping" her, but now I would give anything to be that person this weekend. Plus she usually had all the inside scoop on the news and gossip of the family, kind of fun.
Will this family holiday involve discussing the English weather, increased circulation of fake pound coins, Somerset cheeses, and WACKY'S AXE?
Wank in the shower... unless you've got a weird relative who thinks it's OK to follow you into the bathroom and chat with you while you're trying to wash your hair.