Favourite Blackadder?


I want to smell dark matter
I included the Christmas special because it was good but NOT the piece of shit millennium special and if anyone wanted to vote for that then they most be fucking retarded and probably unable to figure out how a poll works...anyway...


Staff member
Blackadder: Goes Forth. It's the most refined of all of them and every episode is excellent coupled with one of the best endings of any sitcom ever. But it's a very difficult choice because I like all the series for different reasons.


Retired Account
goes fourth by a country mile, i still have menty vhs recorded version frm 109 years ago even tho i have it on dvd lulz


Retired Account
flash heart ep is great.


With the exception of the first series, they're all great, but Blackadder Goes Forth is the best. You have all the actors on top of their game there, and the Great War setting somehow makes it work all the better.


Retired Account
its class and the one filmed in the brighton pavillion


I want to smell dark matter
Well, I went for Blackadder the Third because of the Prince Regent character as played by Hugh Laurie and the episode where Blackadder becomes a highway man...but a case could be made for any of them, really.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
As has been said all series are good (well, the first is okay, not great), but my favourite is Bacladder II, if only for the combination of Miranda Richardson as Elizibeth I, Steven Fry as Metchett, and the episode which had BOTH Tom Baker and Simon Jones in.


Retired Account
i like the first season because of his bowl cut and that he is such a weasle bitch still funny, when he has king henry resting in his room when the whole kingdom is looking for him lol



I want to smell dark matter
And Brian Fucking Blessed!


Retired Account
brian blessed = the don


beer, I want beer
Unfortunately here in the states Blackadder exposure is piecemeal and spotty at best: which one was the one where Blackadder bounces through time and keeps kicking Shakespeare's ass on behalf of all the high schoolers who have to read his sonnets? That one was funny when I saw it on PBS but I've never been able to figure out what episode it was part of.

This is not a joke request, I've actually wanted to watch that one from the beginning and never have. Little help?


I want to smell dark matter
That sounds like the millennium special, which was pretty poor as I recall (it was only shown on tv once here!) It's best to try to get the four regular series and the Christmas Carol episode.


I want to smell dark matter
What news of the foul Malmydons?

Scattered to the Nine Vectors, My Lord.

...and the Sheepsqueezers of Splatican Five? Have they been suckcreamed as a Qvarnbeast's nobbo?

Well, they're dead, if that's what you mean.

Plus, Commander, did you vanquish the Nibblepibblies?

No, My Lord Pigmot, I did not vanquish the Nibblepibblies; because you just made them up.


New Member
WWI Blackadder. Especially when they were sent to survey the German lines and marked War Elephants on the map to avoid being sent in.


Be patient till the last.
this ONE TIME I prolly agree with Wacky for reasons cited, but yeah, season first still too too. So three first, then first second. got that?

[N.B. we didnt get any fourth season up here on TVO - I have no idea why. prolly would have loved it. If I would ever remember to go and check, I bet they have it at our library]


I want to smell dark matter
Baldrick, who gave you permission to turn into an Alsatian?