
RIP 1970~2018
I was determined to not like you but you're consistently funny, intelligent, timely and on topic in your own interesting way. Not to mention obviously read and poignant. Also, Ily seems to like you which I didn't understand but now I think I do.

What say you and I be friends?


moral imperfection
lol, time for another "Told You So", eh? Haven't had that one for quite a while. I love it :D


RIP 1970~2018
Damn it. What's that like 5?

Let that be a lesson people - Never owe a German girl. They proudly collect. And mock. And laugh.

(that's kind of hot)

FBI parte due

Folces Weard
I know I can be a cock sometimes, so, sure, I'll accept your offer of Internet Friendship.


moral imperfection
lol, I'm pretty sure that before this, we were even. I can clearly remember at least three "Dammit you're right" moments I had in the past months.

They proudly collect. And mock. And laugh.
Only because this German girl knows you can take it :D

(that's kind of hot)
(I know)


moral imperfection
FYI, I am now having an 'awwww, you guys! :love: ' moment right now. Don't let that stop you, though, it'll be over soon enough.


RIP 1970~2018
That makes two internet friends confirmed. Phew. I'm sure glad y'all don't know me for real.


Retired Account
FBI & 'Gear Both = good peoples


Retired Account
But damn good liez they be.


Retired Account
'OI Gear pull ur pants up as i see a sunray'


along for the ride
This is true^. Even though you don't know me and we never met.

I've known you for 3 or 4 days; long enough to form an accurate assessment.Thank you for admitting the truth. I look forward to the "cakewalk" thread where you admit that you were wrong, without actually saying it.


RIP 1970~2018
I've known you for 3 or 4 days; long enough to form an accurate assessment.Thank you for admitting the truth. I look forward to the "cakewalk" thread where you admit that you were wrong, without actually saying it.

Start holding you breath now.

FBI parte due

Folces Weard
I like her premise that I've never been an asshole, ever, though.

It's something I've believed ever since I was a little kid, so it's nice to get some confirmation.