Finally saw Watchmen

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
I DVR'd Watchmen a week or so ago, and I never found the time to watch it straight through. Took me a week to get through the first hour, but I was home sick last Thursday, so I finally watched the last hour and 46 minutes.

I'll watch it one more time this weekend, this time all the way through in one sitting. But some initial thoughts are that the film is terribly uneven. Pretty much all the scenes with Rorschach are awesome, and I liked how the Nite-Owl looks like this schlub but can kick ass. Malin Ackerman as Silk Spectre II was a bit annoying. And every part with Dr. Manhattan seemed to drag.

I'm also not a big fan of Zack Snyder's filmmaking style. The overuse of slow-mo gets very annoying. But most of the fight scenes were pretty good, especially the ones with Rorschach.

Initial grade is C+. I'll re-grade it this weekend after a proper viewing.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I finally saw it last night, too! COINCIDENCE? (probably)

I liked it, but didn't understand what was going on sometimes. I couldn't hear everything the characters were saying most of the time, which is really annoying! Why don't they fix the volume on movies when they're released for TV? The music knocks you out, but you have to strain to hear conversations.

I liked the way the movie looked, and the fight scenes were cool. I especially liked it when Rorschach was in prison and he yelled "I'M NOT LOCKED IN HERE WITH YOU, YOU'RE LOCKED IN HERE WITH ME". He's was a great character. (now I know who you were talking about when you said he was in that TV show we were talking about, lol)

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
^^I thought the same thing about the sound! If I turned up the volume enough to hear what Rorschach and Ozymandias were saying, the music and sound effects were ear-splitting.

My favorite scnes were the ones with Rorschach in prison. He was by far the best character in the movie.


I want to smell dark matter
The comic's better lol (I haven't seen it.)

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
I haven't read the comic since it first came out, but I'm going to pick it up on Amazon when I get the chance.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I want Dr. Manhattan to sex me up.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
I thought the film should've spent more time trying to be a film and less time trying to be an adaptation of a graphic novel.

It seems like he spent SO MUCH TIME making sure every frame was the same as the novel he forgot to check whether the novel's pace and story structure still worked as a film (it didn't).


I want to smell dark matter
Maybe people should have been legally required to read the novel first and write a grovelling letter to Alan Moore asking for forgiveness before being allowed to see the movie.

The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
^There's a reaso he leaves his name off all movies based on his work; and I respect that.

Then he goes on to do porno comics about Alice, Dorrothy, and Wendy from Peter Pan, and charges so much for them that I'll never afford them :(


I want to smell dark matter
Steal them.
I liked this movie, but the plot was a little too melodramatic for me to want to read it, even if it's better presented and all that.