
Can I have Ops?
The last time I went to Glastonbury the funniest thing was an incident on "drug corner"

This was the place where you went if you hadn't brought the right amount of drugs or didn't know anyone. The drugs were poor, overpriced and sometimes dangerous. The people selling them shouted for trade "hash, trips and E's" was the call they had.

Some amusing sort had decided to position himself amongst this madness and started to shout out "Fish, Chips and Peas" in his loudest voice. I found him so funny I befriended him for a short while. Once particular instance made me absolutely crease was when one young lad came up to him and asked what he had. The lad was obviously off his face but the sheer comedy went something like this:

What you got?
Fish, chips and Peas like I've been saying.

What kind??
I got a nice bit of haddock, I might even have a little bit of herring left. Out of cod I'm afraid.

What? Got any tablets?
Well, I have some birds eye peas. Did you know they are frozen within 24 hours of being picked?

What? I just want some hash.
Dont do hash, just Fish, chips and peas

I still remember it and it was years ago


I want to smell dark matter
I hope no one stabbed him.


Is this real life?
"I'm gonna gut ya like a fish!"


Be patient till the last.
always wanted to say that to a stupid American.

(not the intelligent ones, of course).

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Fish and Chips are only good with malt vinegar.