For anyone who watched the Smallville finale


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
I meant to bring this up last week, but I forgot. DOH!!!

At the end, when we see Clark leaving the Watchtower, and Chloe clutches her stomach, for some reason I immediately went OMFUCKINGOD SHE'S PREGNANT WITH DOOMSDAY'S CHILD. I know it's just me, but I just thought it was a weird gesture.

And yes, I still watch, but only because of Sam's nekkid chest. Supposedly he'll be back next season as:


So, I'll tune in once again to see his fine ass body.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
I think that's what they're moving towards for next season. I'm curious how they originally planned to end the series since this was supposed to be the last season. Poor Chloe: She loses Lois, Jimmy, Clark and her stalker in pretty much one day. Kinda sucks. I also think it was stupid how Lois was sent to the future where the Legion are. Does everybody have to know Clark's secret???


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
When she put on the Legion ring when she and Tess were fighting.