For single ladies of TK....



Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Wow...that website was enlightening, and really inspired some feelings in me. Like I really, really want to punch that guy in the throat.


Wow...that website was enlightening, and really inspired some feelings in me. Like I really, really want to punch that guy in the throat.

I can't decide if it's a hoax or whether he's genuine. If it's a hoax then you've got to hand it to the hoaxer - it's cringeworthingly good.

If this twat is genuine.... God help us all. :wacko:

Dark Pickle

Fucked Off
I can't decide if it's a hoax or whether he's genuine. If it's a hoax then you've got to hand it to the hoaxer - it's cringeworthingly good.

If this twat is genuine.... God help us all. :wacko:

I'm pretty sure he's trolling:

This site has been described as "absolute comic genius," but this site is not a joke. I am completely serious about finding my Goddess and materializing my Global Vision. However, I love to make people laugh, even if they laugh AT me. I also laugh at myself. Indeed, it is the seriousness of this site that makes it (and me) so funny! :) God bless EVERYONE who reads this site.
I have received lots of replies. Emotional reactions to this site are intense. About half the replies have been negative (mostly ridicule and pranks). The other half are positive (some from seriously interested ladies, others from spiritual people expressing their approval of this site).

NOTE FOR PEOPLE WHO ENGAGE IN RIDICULE: I delete most negative replies without response. But some negative replies are FUNNY, and after my friends and I finish laughing at them, I occasionally reply just for fun! If you feel compelled to direct ridicule at me, go ahead and see if you are LUCKY enough to get a reply from me! LOL. Please be advised, however, that your ridiculous ridicule cannot touch my happiness. Nor can your ridicule persuade me that I will never find my Goddess (as numerous people have vainly attempted to do). Indeed, the ridicule I receive (when contrasted with the equal number of positive replies) confirms the truth that the awesome Goddess relationship and Global Vision described herein WILL materialize. As famously expressed by German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860):

All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed,
second it is violently opposed, and
third, it is accepted as self-evident.

We are currently at Stage One: ridicule. I will address the complex, Stage-Two issue of violent opposition at a later time. Interested ladies must be SECURE in their knowledge that they and their family members are Divinely protected from physical harm by our vicious opponents. I and my family members are likewise protected.

I have received numerous prank replies from "women" (and their ridiculing friends) who pose as seriously interested in being my Goddess. Evidently, these ridiculous people have nothing better to do with their lives. May God bless them with honesty and honorable life-purposes, both of which they currently lack.



Great find, I sent an email right after you posted which was ignored. Guess I shouldnt have used my account.
