Frank - BB14


Registered User

Name: Frank Eudy

Age: 28

Hometown: Marion, Ark. (living in Naples, Fla.)

Occupation: Unemployed

Three adjectives that describe you: Gregarious, interesting and engaging.

Favorite Activities: Going to the beach, exercising and being around people.

Most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house: Making sure my hair is camera ready all the time.

Strategy for winning “Big Brother:” Absolutely. Numbers are important, so I want to set up a "Dream Team," all playing certain roles. I would need a Larry Bird, a good country boy or girl who's honest and competitive; a Charles Barkley, an unmovable object possibly with a bit of a harsh attitude; a Patrick Ewing, somebody that knows the game and is reliable; a Michael Jordan, somebody who's a baller that can win competitions; and me as Magic Johnson, friendly guy playing point and running the show.

Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most or least: Most: Chill Town - they were great at the game and great at entertaining. Least: Daniele - she wines and complains too much and was ungrateful to her dad for the chance to even make it on the show.

What are you afraid of: I don't care for spiders or snakes.

What is the accomplishment you are most proud of: Paying for my braces while I was working through college.

Finish this sentence: My life’s motto is… the difference between a stranger and a friend is an introduction.

What would you take into the house and why: A phone…for the main purpose of getting information about the game from the outside world.

What would you do if “Big Brother” made you famous: Do my best to make it sustainable, and try not to make an ass out of myself!

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
WACKY! His father is pro wrestler Sid Vicious!

He's gonna be in trouble if a mean-girl clique forms in the house. DRAMA!


I want to smell dark matter
Get his dad on for a guest appearance AND I'LL WATCH (probably.)

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
He's an easy-going, funny Southern guy who had the bad luck to be on Boogie's team. Boogie took him under his wing and he is very loyal to him. As a result, he's been nominated twice and will remain a prime target in the house until either he or Boogie is gone. Currently the votes are not in his favor for this Thursday.

After the last Veto competition, he was made to wear the famous "unitard' which has now been converted to a purple cheerleader onesie, the 'spiritard'.


Oh, and he rarely bathes, and farts like a Howitzer.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Oh, and they showed a taped interview with his dad lat Thursday. He's proud of him, but apparently they haven't talked much in the past year. Expect a happy, teary reunion at some point.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Loving the Carrot Costume this week:


Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Evicted. :sarek:

Completely blindsided by the rest of the house this week. They had him believing he was good and still working with them until the very end.

"Them flip-floppin' yahoos..." PREESH!


I want to smell dark matter
What will Sid think?

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
He's not on Twitter so I'm not sure. No official comment yet that I can find.