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Friends... Romans... Countrymen... I kick ass.

I've just completed my first feature-film script. Now I know for certain and for myself why people do this. It ain't the paycheck, although I'm hoping that'll be enough to let me do this some more.

No, it's the high. It's the unbelievable rush you get from writing a story that just whomps all over everything you've watched in a theater and everything you've written, yourself, up to this point.

I mean holy shit, I just finished a first-pass edit on this one and I already want to do the next one. I can't wait to sit down with Power Structure and plot out the next script, then dive in with Final Draft and get it written.

I mean, sincerely... wow.

Never happened.
The usual torrenty places.

Most interesting. I have seen 11 torrent sites shut down in the last week. Something is up. The RIAA and MPAA are on the move. I told you to watch those motherfuckers, that they hadn't even started yet. 'Pirate Bay' was the first shot.
TS, a Question (as it were):

Did your copy of Power Structure come with any tutorials and/or dvd's about story-building (like the Joseph Campbell journey-of-the-hero stuff, etc etc.) and if so, did you go through any of it before starting to use the software? Or did you just jump right in?
TS, a Question (as it were):

Did your copy of Power Structure come with any tutorials and/or dvd's about story-building (like the Joseph Campbell journey-of-the-hero stuff, etc etc.) and if so, did you go through any of it before starting to use the software? Or did you just jump right in?

Jumped right in. I use the Blake Snyder "Save the Cat" method.
You can get all that same information with the book, "Save the Cat." The steps are always the same, they just have different names -- but Blake Snyder was the only one out of all those writers, IMO, that just gets right down to the point about them.
You can get all that same information with the book, "Save the Cat." The steps are always the same, they just have different names -- but Blake Snyder was the only one out of all those writers, IMO, that just gets right down to the point about them.

You are about as much a 'writer' as I am a lover of NIGGERS. You, writing a screenplay? NEVER HAPPENED.