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From the office of TBonz the Tyrant...

Panda said:
banned? what for?
You would have to ask the site admin that. To this day, I'm still unsure. I think it had something to do with receiving only one warning in the whole three years I posted there.
Colonel Kira's Left Tit said:
Was this a Capps era debacle?

*grabs another drink*
Not quite sure. However, the animosity between me and Bonzie is well documented. I think it was a matter of personalities clashing.

Truth be told, when I was banned, I hadn't been posting regularly there since Turdforge was started. It was my misfortune to be over there promoting Number_6's parody board, and I think I started a Candlelight Vigil in TNZ for Storm when he was banned. That was the official reason I was given.

Unofficially...who knows?
CKLT, were you a regular at TBBS? Would I remember you?

Saleel's body is fiendishly buried in Christian's basement, behind an almost impossibly huge wall of XBox games.

The ultimate in irony. :D
I was active there between 2000-2002 and had several duals. I haven't paid much attention to the place since then as it's basically become a boring homogenized love-in but I do keep an eye on the latest developments, such as they are. The drama factor took a big nosedive after Lisa started her new life as a sewer dweller outside Janeway's house.

Now, I haven't really paid much attention to The Batman's gripes here, either. I know he doesn't like The God Thing much. Who doesn't like that guy?
That's MS. Bitch to you, Batman.

And don't lie. Friend, my ass. You're there under another name. Again. I really should get off of my lazy ass and ban it too.

The penalties of laziness.

If I was such a tyrant, I wouldn't have let back most of the TKers, now would I? Even the Queen of TK, Missmanners! ;) About the most that can be said of me is that I'm a dumbass for putting up with the shit in running it. I guess I have more pride than I thought I did. :P

Anyhow, Friday, I can't for the life of me remember why you were banned now. Doesn't mean it wasn't just, just means I have a shit memory. Nothing to do with my like or dislike of you. I have plenty of people on the BBS that annoy me much more than you ever did.

If you want to come back and can behave, I'll bring you back. I usually give second chances.

Hi Robble. I see you over at Ex Isle. I was just reading about the resignations. Don't know the full story, not sure I want to, but thank God above I don't manage that trainwreck. :(

P.S. I loved the guy who accused you of being 40. Nothing like slapping a decade on one, eh?
Thank you for the offer, T'Bonz. I must politely decline, unfortunately. I haven't visited TBBS in over a year, and I'm not missing it. It's good to know that I could reinstate my account, if I chose to, tho.

Maybe one day...if TBBS is lucky. (That's just a Superman reference. Nothing nefarious intended.)
Darkside said:
This was posted on the ol' Trainwreck BBS and forwaded to me by one of The Agents of Darkside, individuals who have accounts there who give me info since I've been locked out by the insidious Capman at the behest of Queen Bonz.

And we know how much weight warnings carry over there...

What about bringing class, character, and decency from other boards? Oh wait...those haven't been welcome under the regime of Bonz.

Note the hypocrisy, standard double-talk over there. When I was there, I was told to take comments to anyone I had an argument with to them VIA PM. Now Bonz is contradicting herself and the so called "TrekBBS Rules." Now taking the argument to someone via PM is "harassment." How about when ol' dicklick Bailey assaulted me via PM for having the character to stand up for my convictions, as wholesome and foreign to him as they might have been? Or how about the vicious PMs I received from Reno Floyd, another windbag shithead who often harrassed me this way. To say nothing of the assaults I received from Stinky Pants/The God Thing via PM. Of course, all of these assholes are under the protection of the Queen and her vile guard of eunuch man-bitches...

TBitch Translation for the Hypocritically Impaired: "Don't use QSF or M.A as your place to address real problems, per the FAQ of the TrekBBS. If you post in either to say "Goodbye," don't be surprised if I lock your account because I get an obscene thrill from banning people from my tiny little kingdom of small people with smaller lives. If you have the burning need to "protest," i.e., actually intend to try and discuss a valid complaint in a logical way, be sure to do so in an adult manner, i.e., in a way that will suit my particular whimsy at the time and will not in any way attempt to tell me I'm wrong or faulty.

"Discussions." What a joke. A discussion has two sides. "Assault" or to paraphrase Shakespeare, "troubling deaf heaven" is more like it. Except the deaf in this instant are far from heavenly.

Now the bitch is quoting the very rules that exist but which she violates and ignores daily! Amazing!

In other words, "users who try to defend their beliefs or who possess a viewpoint counter to the fascist, leftist mindset of myself or my brood of vipers will be silenced with startling prejudice."

You have, can, and do use whatever rules--or whatever re-writing of the rules you see fit--to further isolate, offend, and insult the very community your "service" is meant to attract.

She's tired of behaviors in general, which means any behavior that doesn't include following her inane and heartless attitude and outlook. And by nicely, she means "according to my whim," which again, changes like a whore's panties on a Friday night.



Bored now.
Hey kids...don't hate Bon.

I mean, after all, if she'd just buy one of those wonderful devices there in my avatar, we'd all be much happier!
Friday said:
Thank you for the offer, T'Bonz. I must politely decline, unfortunately. I haven't visited TBBS in over a year, and I'm not missing it. It's good to know that I could reinstate my account, if I chose to, tho.

Maybe one day...if TBBS is lucky. (That's just a Superman reference. Nothing nefarious intended.)

Friday said:
Thank you for the offer, T'Bonz. I must politely decline, unfortunately. I haven't visited TBBS in over a year, and I'm not missing it. It's good to know that I could reinstate my account, if I chose to, tho.

Maybe one day...if TBBS is lucky. (That's just a Superman reference. Nothing nefarious intended.)

Don't buy it, son.

Don't ever go back there, either. It ain't worth it.

Yes, Mentalist. You're absolutely right.

Alyson Hannigan is hot. I've always wondered: biter, scratcher, screamer, or all of the above?

T'Bonz said:
That's MS. Bitch to you, Batman.

And don't lie. Friend, my ass. You're there under another name. Again. I really should get off of my lazy ass and ban it too.

Really? That's a shock to me, since I can't even access the site, T. But here's just one example of who can: sfamato. Ask her about her service as an Agent of Darkside. She's one of my minions. I have a score of others.
