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Fuck the following states:

I guess my meaning is that there is a lot more to foster care than nurtering a cute little baby and the reason there are so many foster children not placed or adopted is not because gay couple are not being allowed to have them. That demanding the right to be a foster parent means being a foster parent to anyone and willing to take the responsibility for anyone.

Or something like that, I want a cheeseburger!

My contention is that gays are incredibly pro-life. They have less abortions than any segment of the US population and they support the adoption system. Why haven't the republicans jumped in with the Gays years ago?
I guess my meaning is that there is a lot more to foster care than nurtering a cute little baby and the reason there are so many foster children not placed or adopted is not because gay couple are not being allowed to have them. That demanding the right to be a foster parent means being a foster parent to anyone and willing to take the responsibility for anyone.
So? The screening process for prospective foster/adoptive parents should be long and thorough. In the course of the process, they will find out which parents can handle what kinds of kids.

But eliminating whole segments of the population by law and denying them the right to even be screened (and it's not just gays being excluded, it's anyone who is 'unmarried') is something else entirely. It's arbitrary discrimination. It's reverting back to prehistoric codes, simply because it was the only way they could think of to 'get the gays'.

If we both lived in Arkansas, I wouldn't be the only one discriminated by this law. You would be, too.
Well, at least we don't live in England. I read that if you're a smoker over there, you aren't allowed to be foster parents.
California, Florida, Arizona and Arkansas.

CA, FL, and AZ all passed or are about to pass ballot initiatives either banning gay marriage, or defining marriage as between and man and a woman.

AK went even further, approving "a measure banning unmarried couples from serving as adoptive or foster parents. Supporters made clear that gays and lesbians were their main target," according to the AP.

Better to leave thousands of children in orphanages and state homes than to give them a chance at a real home, because one of the thousands of applicants might not be straight! Talk about cutting off your arm over a hangnail.

Thats just wrong, so much for "A FREE COUNTRY"

I would not vote to ban gays from getting married.
I wouldnt either, I say the states that support gay marriage should secede from the union and we can be THE REAL USA!

While Asians and Caucasians voted for prop 8 at 49%, Hispanics went for it at 53% and African-Americans at a whopping 70%. Without Obama drawing in so many black voters, prop 8 would've been defeated.
While Asians and Caucasians voted for prop 8 at 49%, Hispanics went for it at 53% and African-Americans at a whopping 70%. Without Obama drawing in so many black voters, prop 8 would've been defeated.

Ooooooohhhhh where did you get those stats? I can use this in one of my debates elsewhere.

There was a big demonstration yesterday right down the street from my office, on Santa Monica Boulevard. Gays, Lesbians, and supporters were protesting the ban, in front of a Mormon Temple. Apparently the Mormons funded like 60% of the effort to get Prop 8 passed. I'm on the 23rd floor, and we were all using binoculars to see the protesters.

Here's the thing: they were protesting DURING RUSH HOUR. IN WEST L.A. That's just STUPID! How the fuck are you going to get people to support your cause when you increase the already-horrendous traffic? It took some people FIVE HOURS to get home from work. I voted NO on the prop, but I wish I could go back and vote yes, just because these fuckers ruined my night. Dumbasses.
Yes, because your commute on a single day is much more important than the issue.

It's called civil disobedience for a reason. It's supposed to be inconvenient.

Are all your beliefs this easily swayed by one bad afternoon?
BDM's got a point, though: if the supporters of a cause that doesn't affect me conduct themselves in a way that does affect me --negatively-- then it won't exactly endear me to their plight.
They didn't set fires or send hate mail, they held a protest (something quite expected and proper in this case) and as a result, tied up traffic for an afternoon.


It's a matter of perspective here.
It was the Mormans in the state that bankrolled the proposition, not the whole state.

Unless there's some prop that Utah passed this time that I'm not aware of.