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The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
Enid Coleslaw said:
The trouble is the kind of guy
I want to go out with doesn’t
even EXIST… like a rugged
chain-smoking, intellectual
adventurer guy who’s really
serious, but also really funny
and mean…

But I DO exist, Enid! You
don’t, though. You were that
girl I was always looking
for in those coffee shops
and bookstores but instead
you only exist through the
efforts of Daniel Clowes or
Thora Birtch.

I dreamed of finding someone
as sarcastic and cynical as me
we could have hated the world
hated ourselves and hated each
other TOGETHER! Having hot
sweaty hate-sex in the back of
pour hearse; then mocking the
police as we’re arrested

But on the other hand WE
probably wouldn’t have worked
out anyway, you don’t like guitarists
and I’ve had bad luck dating my
own sign (ask Bob Skeetes if
there’s such a thing as astrological