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MessengerX said:In debate or rhetoric, the slippery slope is an argument for the likelihood of one event or trend given another.
An example:
"If we genetically engineer out the homosexual gene, the Christian Right will put a seals of approval on your birth certificate."
The argument takes on one of various semantical forms:
Not to mention the others you've committed. I don't think you are very familiar with debate.
- In one form, the proposer suggests that by making a move in a particular direction, we start down a "slippery slope". Having started down the metaphorical slope, it appears likely that we will continue in the same direction (the arguer usually sees the direction as a negative direction; hence the "sliding downwards" metaphor).
- Another form appears more static, arguing that admitting or permitting A leads to admitting or permitting B, by following a long chain of logical relationships.
You are trying so damn hard. So damn hard. I would help you out to understand the basics, but this is too much fun.
So close, yet so far. This is the morons at suffer from.